Saturday, May 21, 2011

ell & nikki running scared

ell & nikki running scared. ell amp; nikki running scared
  • ell amp; nikki running scared

  • Dont Hurt Me
    Aug 31, 07:18 AM
    Mini is just fine all it needs is a better graphics chip, its what really holds this machine down in my view and yes I own 1.

    ell & nikki running scared. ell amp; nikki running scared
  • ell amp; nikki running scared

  • nmrrjw66
    Apr 8, 01:14 PM
    So who's Obama gonna blow up next? Syria, Yemen?

    ell & nikki running scared. ell amp; nikki running scared
  • ell amp; nikki running scared

  • sagasaga
    Jan 12, 05:48 AM
    Something more than it being light. If I had to guess, I bet the fully-connected theme from the iphone will be moved to a new subnotebook line. 3g everywhere, instantly, built into the notebook. The more portable the device, the more internet-everywhere makes sense. Also fits into the 'something in the air' bit more than just being a light weight device. Nothing new as many manufacturers sell add-on cards to existing notebooks, but I bet it will be a core feature of the device. Ties well into some of Leopard's remote access features, too.

    wireless technology just isn't there for wireless power or wireless monitors; *maybe* wireless speakers, but that's getting a little iffy as a big add.

    maybe the touchpad will actually be an lcd screen like an iphone; that could be interesting for multitouch.


    ell & nikki running scared. ell amp; nikki running scared
  • ell amp; nikki running scared

  • matteo2005
    Jan 13, 12:28 PM
    I think it means over the air ipod touch/iphone syncing

    ell & nikki running scared. ell amp; nikki running scared
  • ell amp; nikki running scared

  • DavidLeblond
    Aug 7, 07:23 AM
    Heh, not only is that tag-line funny, but it's funny 'cause it's true. "Hasta la vista, vista"? That's great too. Paul's obviously irritated by it, and also annoyed by the fact that Apple marketshare is in fact growing, despite his disbelief in its ability ever to do so.

    Paul's not a bad guy, in fact sometimes I think he's on the fence about what product to support. Look at the crap he writes. He'll praise Mac OS but then say something completely assinine such as "That feature's great, too bad they stole it from Longhorn!"

    Then he'll praise the innovativeness of Vista, and in the next breath talk about how much of a piece of crap it is.

    My favorite is when he says how awesome IE7 is... but he won't actually USE it, he uses Firefox. And he'll praise Ubuntu any chance he gets. I'm sure that REALLY steams Microsoft's shorts!

    He gets paid to write about Windows, so of course he's going to issue it more praise and talk trash about Apple more. But pay close attention to the bad things he says about Mac OS and the bad things he said about Windows... he has a lot more bad things to say about Windows... his arguments about Mac OS are usually the stupid things like making fun of their marketshare. *yawn*

    ell & nikki running scared. ell amp; nikki running scared
  • ell amp; nikki running scared

  • icloud
    Jan 11, 09:00 PM
    worst-name-ever. i hope that it's anything but "macbook air"

    Agreed. It's not just a bad name; it's a sin!

    ell & nikki running scared. ell amp; nikki running scared
  • ell amp; nikki running scared

  • archurban
    Nov 28, 01:53 PM
    zune, zune, zune. it's like crackin'lacking! hilarious. :p

    ell & nikki running scared. Ell amp; Nikki Running Scared
  • Ell amp; Nikki Running Scared

  • ciTiger
    Mar 24, 01:26 PM
    Odd move by Apple... But nice...

    ell & nikki running scared. ell amp; nikki running scared.
  • ell amp; nikki running scared.

  • Ravich
    Mar 20, 04:31 PM
    Enough with the false comparisons. Homeopathy doesnt actively harm people that buy into it. "ex-gay" therapy is harmful.

    Do you think that anyone would stand for a KKK app under the reasoning of "free speech"?

    ell & nikki running scared. ell amp; nikki running scared
  • ell amp; nikki running scared

  • mjteix
    Mar 25, 11:11 AM
    Nop... consider.

    2x CPUs 130W rated. So thats 260W, right there. However, no CPU consumes the rated, so it's give or take ~260W.

    The cpus used in the dual-cpu MP are 80-95W parts (top is the 95W Xeon X5670 right now), so it's give or take ~190W.

    Only the single cpu MP uses a 130W part (Xeon W3500/3600 series).

    So it's either 130W, 160W or 190W for the cpus in a MP.

    ell & nikki running scared. ell amp; nikki running scared
  • ell amp; nikki running scared

  • Chris Bangle
    Aug 16, 11:15 AM
    I agree to an extent but this is a rumours as such your going to get this. If it stresses you that much just don't read the ones you think are the same.

    I Know but the prospect of a touchscreen ipod seems soooo cool. Its just annoying that you think its going to be launched and then it doesnt, all the hype before the hi-fi launch and 5 months down the line nothiings happened. Im sorry if im whining but I reallly want to spend my birthday money on something worthwhile.

    ell & nikki running scared. ell amp; nikki running scared
  • ell amp; nikki running scared

  • stoid
    Aug 6, 09:57 PM
    I'm at work tomorrow too, but seeing as my 'boss'/co-worker is also a huge Apple fanboy, and since the Keynote starts at noon local (CDST) I'm expecting that we'll fire up macrumorslive and eat lunch whilst get text updates. Too bad there's no live video tho...

    ell & nikki running scared. ell amp; nikki running scared
  • ell amp; nikki running scared

  • polsons
    Jan 11, 07:20 AM
    As a fellow Australian imac_japan i'll support your enthusiasm, but as one who is old enough to have actually witnessed the history of Apple I think you are about to be enormously disappointed

    If indeed a headless Mac does materialize, it will not be the first to have come from Apple. Apple have tried this concept many times before and all attempts have failed miserably. Maybe a dual G5 Cube for the price of an eMac might have some success, but a miserably under specified G4 (as is being claimed) is DEAD even before it hits the stores.

    True the end may be near for Apple's hardware (5 or 10 years so to speak), but MacOS will be around for as long as computers continue to be manufactured. Even the most pessimistic analyst will concede that MacOS X and Apple's apps on x86 would see Microsoft as the world's second largest software developer. And who really cares about the hardware. The best PC hardware is every bit as good as Apple's's just that the software stinks.

    Let's be honest here. Do we really want Mac OS X to become MS Windows? Yes, Windows has thousands of apps not available on Mac, but most are developed by egotistical script kiddies with absolutely no idea of what they are doing, and then trying to pass it off as the greatest app ever written solely because they coded it. The best Windows apps always have been and probably always will be available on Mac. But they are long established mature apps developed by long established developers. If you can't afford them, then buy a PC and be content with using script kiddie crap.

    And therein lies the unique and most appealing aspect of Apple hardware. MORONS can't afford it. As long as Apple keeps developing MacOS X and morons are forced to buy Windows PC's, I'll remain very happy with the current situation as it stands. No $499 headless Mac and no Mac in every home for me thank you. As far as I am concerned, the last thing I want to see is a user base swarming with dickheads. Windows has already reached that plateau, and sadly Linux is running not that far behind.

    ell & nikki running scared. ell amp; nikki running scared.
  • ell amp; nikki running scared.

  • godrifle
    Nov 27, 01:10 PM
    It's about time Apple provided Mini buyers with a branded monitor option. :)

    ell & nikki running scared. ell amp; nikki running scared
  • ell amp; nikki running scared

  • PBF
    Mar 30, 09:30 PM
    Ah, I see. Thanks, guys.

    By the way, when re-arranging Launchpad, creating folders, deleting, moving icons around, etc., does the order stay the same after restart? In DP1, it resets to default layout. Ta.

    ell & nikki running scared. ell amp; nikki running scared
  • ell amp; nikki running scared

  • Multimedia
    Nov 15, 09:34 PM
    No. The number of core in the system does not imply you need more memory however it does imply you may need more memory bandwidth (depends on what you plan to use the cores for).

    Running many applications, especially memory hungry ones, concurrently is what could require additional memory to run efficiently (depends on working set of the applications you plan to run).

    With that said ... to get the most memory bandwidth potential in a Mac Pro you need fully populate peer banks with DIMMs. For example in the following graphic you would want to populate slots A1, A2, B1 and B2 before any other slots to get the widest data path to memory.

    For more details on Mac Pro memory review Mac Pro RAM Expansion Details ( or the simpler to read Mac Pro Memory Guide (pdf) ( question about 512MB vs 1 & 2 GB mod bandwidth. If the Mac comes with two 512MB mods installed in Riser A and I buy two 2GB modules to put into Riser B - total 5GB, will the slower bandwidth (or whatever it's called) of the two 512MB mods slowing down the faster 2GB mods be offset by having RAM installed in both risers rather than pulling the 512's and only having two 2GB mods installed in Riser A only - total 4GB? The difference of 1GB of RAM doesn't seem like that part would matter if the 512 mods slow everything down.

    ell & nikki running scared. ell amp; nikki running scared
  • ell amp; nikki running scared

  • syklee26
    Sep 1, 01:13 PM
    these prices seem a lot more like what I was thinking. Wishful? maybe, but this would be aggressive pricing, not keeping the current 17" and 20" where they are and throwing the 23" way over their marks.

    iMac is already wildly popular. they have no reason for aggressive pricing.

    ell & nikki running scared. ell amp; nikki running scared.
  • ell amp; nikki running scared.

  • vnle
    Nov 27, 08:11 PM
    Samsung = best TVs IMO. Was there that much difference between the Series 5 and 6? I have a 40" LED TV, and aside from the LED, I think the difference in MHz is important.

    I definitely agree with you there. They also have a far more superior design. :cool: Series 6 seems to have more features (more ports and settings), higher dynamic contrast ratio, and a higher refresh rate (definitely better for gaming, etc. but I just can't justify the cost when I won't notice the difference most of the time :o)

    ell & nikki running scared. ell amp; nikki running scared
  • ell amp; nikki running scared

  • daneoni
    Aug 29, 09:31 AM
    I think people should just stop dreaming about the discrete graphics thing. Its just not going to happen. Look forward to the GMA 965 and the X300 or was it X3000 down the road. Same thing for the MacBooks

    Amazing Iceman
    Apr 21, 12:21 PM
    has anyone actually used the app in question? The data is so wildly inaccurate as to make it pointless. Even recompiling it with a 1000 times more accuracy has me placed in locations I haven't been to since I go an iPhone. So the question is not one of data, per se, but data accuracy: law enforcement have known about this for ages. If my iPhone says I was near a scene of crime, but I disagree, I bet I know which side the police would go with. That is the trouble with this data.

    The data may not be accurate, as it's main purpose is to track cell towers, not the user.

    Mar 24, 01:02 PM
    Excellent, now I can upgrade my Hackintosh's GPU.

    Oct 23, 09:19 PM
    I have been patiently waiting for the new macbook pro just as long as the rest of you, but i have had it, they are like 1.5 - 2 months behind their competitors now.. I am just about ready to drop the money and upgrade my PC desktop instead...they betttter hurrry! ;)

    Oct 12, 04:38 PM
    Does anyone know where I can get a maroon case?

    I don't want a silicon or a hard case, so it would have to be something else, preferably a case like the belkin grip vue, which seems to be the best case out there so far.

    Apr 3, 07:54 AM
    Sweet commercial! Damn I want an iPad 2 after seeing that!! :D

    Wait, I already have one. ;)

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