Saturday, May 21, 2011

homemade justin bieber t shirts

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  • twoodcc
    Aug 29, 10:06 AM
    well at least they are upgrading them. but i agree, the mini needs merom

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  • imac_japan
    Mar 30, 07:24 AM
    I have to say this, more upgradability would definitely be needed more than lowering prices (a student can get an eMac for 699). If the eMac was easily able to change CPU/GFX Card HD and CD drive, I would even consider buying one. The thing is, apple would have a good chance to make lots of money on after-market upgrades that they are missing.

    How about three options....
    1) I was thinking of a cut down emac style for the 1st time, Dad and Mums, Student, Low income buyers. (eg: basic cut down version)
    2) An expandable machine based on the above design (eg: middle of the road - same chip as 3 but much lower specs)
    3) Macs for the professionals...and 2nd or 3rd time computer buyers (eg: high spec/price - Higher spec chip than 2)

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  • rasmasyean
    Mar 19, 12:53 PM
    Umm kind of hard to do this with out the US and its military power. My understanding is the US it mostly going to provide support for it but not as much of the combat forces. The support being things like aerial refueling as we have the most of those flying gas tanks. They will circle over the Mediterranean Sea refueling planes going to and from missions. Kind of key to extend the range of the fighters and Fighter bombers.

    Other thing the US I believe will provide is cruise missals as that they can launch from the Mediterranean Sea. This mostly to take out the Air Defenses. They might provide a few bombers to help take out artillery
    US is not taking the lead. But is providing support. US is going to have the other countries really provide most of the planes needed for this.

    Actually, the US is supplying EWar and Communications as well. The AWACS ( planes themselves can be considered like "mother ships" of today and fill command and control functions.

    Command craft often make the decisions and lead attack and defense tactics. It's not necessarily the ppl who have the "front line" forces are in the ones who are the major player. "Fighter planes" are just like drones with people in them. They follow orders and do not lead anything. It would be like saying the marines are the leading authority in war. They are not. They are just machine operators who pull the trigger.

    It's really too early to tell what we are going to see, because they never tell you anything. Maybe with this rag tag army, you don't need $billion stealth planes to beat them up so you might not see these kind of things. Maybe later on you will see some predators or some crap only, who knows. But for now they just give the press a story and if the reporter steps out of line, they get him fired, like Geraldo Rivera during the Iraqi Freedom.

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  • Funkatronic
    Nov 26, 02:44 AM
    Ordered this off threadless today

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  • innominato5090
    Mar 31, 04:27 AM
    Talking about new "features": have you noticed the Fuji wallpaper is different?
    The new one has clouds at the base...

    can you upload that, please :)

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  • Multimedia
    Nov 15, 05:43 PM
    Im really looking forwards to this, if the 8-core 2.66 Macpro its going to cost just a little more than a quad 3ghz Macpro, im going to be buying as soon as it hits the website...

    As a recent Mac switcher, coming straight in with a base spec macpro(4x2.66/4gb/1750gbHDD), im now happy to invest in a more powerful machine.

    My only concern is the heat... my current Macpro runs 24/7 and 95% of the time is at full load across all 4 cores... and its still silent with temps never going over 52c... will these quad core chips run much hotter, meaning the front fans have to spin faster/noisier to keep the machine cool?Maybe. If Apple goes from the 80 Watt 3GHz Woody to the 120 Watt 2.66GHz Clovertown then definitely. But if Apple chooses to only offer the 80 Watt 2.33GHz Dual Clovertown, then perhaps not and we'll all be happier campers. Or perhaps Apple has other cooling schemes in mind to keep a 2.66GHz set of Clovertowns quiet via other ways. Given that the Logic board stays the same, I'd rather buy the 2.33GHz version.

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  • nagromme
    Apr 21, 11:50 AM
    If someone breaks into my home and hacks into my Mac (using the OS X DVD to do a password reset), I have a lot more worries than whether they know how to find out what neighborhoods’ cell towers I’ve used! Luckily, encrypting your iPhone backup is simple, automatic, and unbreakable; and has the added benefit that then your iPhone’s keychain gets included in the backup. (Otherwise it doesn’t, with good reason.)

    If, on the other hand, they steal my phone, they’re unlikely to stop me from remotely shredding it so fast their head spins :)

    That said, dumping the old cached data is good practice, and Apple really needs to do so. I’d be surprised if they didn’t patch it to do just that. So: good catch! (Of course, this was noticed months ago.)

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  • yac_moda
    Jul 19, 07:29 PM
    All this fear that iPod and MAcs are in a down turn. Apple will blow them away real soon. They don't sleep on their Laurel unless they don't have a choice.

    Wonder what will happen to the stock tomorrow?

    Too bad im broke and could not buy any.

    My guess is it will open UP a great deal, around $4 then drop $1 or 2, 2 hours into the day and then climb to finish up 5 to 6$ :D

    Seasonally and VERY consistently AAPL drops from March to the end of sept and then rises strongly from late Aug. to Christmas. Then rises more in Jan. rests in Feb. and quickly and unpredictably peaks in March or May !?!?!?!

    Some years you will make %100 playing it this way, every once in a while you might loose %10, when betting makes bets that have BIG upsides and small downsides !!!

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  • iJaz
    Oct 23, 06:56 AM
    I can bet $100 that there will be MacBook/Pro upgrades either this year or next year!

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  • Millah
    Apr 27, 01:00 AM
    You got me there. Here's a bit of interesting tech trademark trivia (Microsoft vs Lindows):

    Exactly. I find it quite funny people don't understand that the "Windows" brand is referring to the windowed metaphor on desktop GUIs. So, Windows technically is just as generic as App store, considering all desktop UIs use the Window metaphor for displaying content.

    But I think we'd all agree that when you hear the term windows, you think of Microsofts OS. Thats the exact same thing going on here with App store. Companies trademark "generic" terms all the time. Most trademarks ARE generic. But once it becomes used to associate a brand or product, its no longer generic.

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  • lordonuthin
    May 4, 07:14 PM
    interesting. well i might get a mac pro someday. my homebuilt machine is a big hassle and i'm not there to work on it. i would rather have a computer that i can fold and use regularly

    Building your own is fun but can be a real pain sometimes, especially if you use Linux :eek:

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  • jav6454
    Mar 24, 03:39 PM
    Can anyone explain the nVidia hate?

    Because they suck, and have put up subpar product offerings. Also, those products need a NUCLEAR REACTOR to power and burn houses quicker than gas does.

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  • BJonson
    Apr 26, 01:02 PM
    trademarking app store. How pompous. What's next, trademarking computer store, book store, pet store? LOL.

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  • v66jack
    Apr 10, 05:03 PM
    That's because in the US most of us drive on two types of roads, crowded ones and dead straight ones. Automatics are superior on crowded ones and it doesn't matter on straight ones.

    Yep, when I'm driving in town, I'm always thinking 'I wsh I had an auto'. In the UK however we have some pretty awesome 'A' and 'B' roads, which make the manual worth it. Blasting through the tree's when the roads are quite, taking each corner as it comes it great fun.

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  • szark
    Aug 6, 11:58 PM
    Don't be like that, i noticed it.
    But that doesn't mean everyone isnt going nuts, because they are. This is worse than any build up to an Apple event i've ever remembered

    I simply meant that, normally, people would be excited because there were covered banners. But this year, they were excited by a bunch of icons. ;)

    There are actually 3 covered banners on the ground floor.

    I know -- I was specifically referring to the original photo of the icon-filled banner, which only showed two of the three banners.

    Kingsly: I'll keep an eye out for you before the Keynote tomorrow. EDIT: Sorry -- just saw your other thread. Have fun visiting Cupertino!

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  • PlipPlop
    Mar 25, 05:18 AM
    Do the macpros have a powersuppy with about an extra 500w for a 6970? And the 8 pin and 6 pci-e power ports?

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  • tychay
    Nov 28, 08:09 PM
    I have no idea where you got that one from. The original Xbox never made a profit. Microsoft is deliberately selling the Xbox 360 at a loss to capture marketshare. However, the PS3 and Ninetindo Wii are selling like hotcakes, are latest big things, and have the buzz. The best laid plans ...

    I think the first statement is correct or close to it. They may have had a single profitable quarter when Halo 2 was released. I'm not sure because they bury games in a Microsoft Entertainment and Devices Division. Which includes their smartphone stuff (now that it has stopped bleeding money) and their profitable and acclaimed mice, keyboards, and other stuff (all manufactured by other companies, sort of like Dell, but with a nicer design).

    The second part I believe is now wrong. I think the XBox 360 is no longer a loss lead, though that might change as there is some speculation that they will be dropping the price to undercut Sony soon. I believe the fact that it is no longer a loss lead is causing a confounding with the "360 is profitable" commentaries here.

    Another commenter mentioned how smart it was was the XBox had a hard drive on it. I’d say if it is so smart why did Microsoft remove it in the base model 360? I’ll point out that this happened because the price of hard drives do not get any cheaper! In fact the price of commodity hardware design doesn’t get any cheaper! Huh? Hard drives get bigger, not cheaper. Processors and chips get more powerful, not cheaper.

    What went on is that successive iterations of the Playstation and Playstation 2 would allow Sony to combine chips to reduce the price (and make smaller PSOne and slim-cased Playstation 2). This outlet wasn't available to Microsoft because of their design which is why the XBox was a losing money for it's entire run and Sony played games by dropping their price before it ever turned a profit.

    Those two things are "of a piece". While commodity hardware was an interesting idea, it was a failure. Which is why the XBox 360 is not built from commodity PC hardware. The hard drives are a necessary evil of the "Live" strategy so they're left in as an option and bundled with the Playstation 3. That's why these 6G consoles are expensive and not dropping in price fast.

    Right now all this is moot since the thing to watch is the Sony gamble on a blue laser. Obviously it will get cheaper fast, but the question is how fast and how cheap? The horrible yields on the Cell processor isn't helping things.

    Currently, the XBox 360 has sold very consistently at around 1.5 million units a quarter. The XMas quarter last year had supply issues and only sold .9 million units. That's hardly dominating. In fact, I think the Playstation 2 outsold the 360 in each of those quarters even though the device is six years old. Let's put some numbers here. Last year over 100 million Playstation 2’s had been sold, six months ago, they were selling 380k/month. The XBox 360 sold 6 million units since it's introduction over a year ago, six months ago they were selling 300k/month, they had fixed the channel problems that plagued the release.

    Consider this: Nintendo sold 600,000 Wiis in the last eight days. Given the scarcity of the Playstation 3 and the popularity and addictiveness of WiiSports and Zelda, they should easily crush that .9 million opening quarter of the 360. And consider this: each unit at a profit with a number of titles putting money directly in Nintendo's pocket.

    I'm not claiming that the Wii will beat the 360. I'm just pointing out that according to sales numbers, the 360 is no iPod, is not trending to an iPod, will never be an iPod. The iPod sits on 75% market share. The closest thing to an iPod in the entertainment market is the Playstation 2.

    Which is a big distraction from the point. And what is the point? That the XBox is a bad analogy. It is best to consider their Windows CE->Smartphone Microsoft play to see that the Zune is a bad idea. How many years and failed ideas have there been (Windows CE, Windows Mobile, PocketPC, etc. etc.)? How many billions sunk (some years more than the entire capitalization of the PDA market)? How much marketshare? 6% of smartphones, 60% of the dead-end PDA market, and most of the dead ATM teller market (because IBM did a phased pull out, not because Microsoft "won"). And even those markets are being eaten by Linux faster than Windows.

    The only thing we can learn from the XBox and Microsoft is that Microsoft pees on their partners (NVidia) at the earliest opportunity. But we already knew that as soon as the Zune didn't support Plays For Sure.

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  • apb3
    Aug 17, 11:49 AM
    I don't really see the demand behind adding wireless functionality into the iPod. I think wireless is the buzz word right now and investment managers and industry analysts don't even know what it means.

    Bluetooth headphones, if they sound good, and bluetooth syncing is the only function people might use out of this. However, most people charge as they sync, so they would need to connect the iPod to the computer anyway. Bluetooth headphones would need to be charged too, and that is a nuisance.

    The only thing semi-useful out of 802.11 is sending audio to airport express. But I use my laptop for that already, so does this really add any functionality? No one I know will be typing in a 256-bit WPA key into their iPod so they can play their iPod music over their friend's airport express, either. At work, I can view and sample my coworker's library on my computer - even when they leave for lunch. And if I like it, I can buy it on iTunes right there. Again, where is the usefulness of a wireless iPod?

    I can see how XM radio might be useful to many, even though it doesn't appeal to me. However, I would think Apple would want an exclusive deal if they were to offer this feature.

    A man (almost - I think XM blows as compared to Sirius, seriously) after my own heart.... ;)

    and so much more succinct.:D

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  • Detlev
    Jul 18, 06:15 AM
    This does play into the news published about the industry allowing people to burn movies to DVDs but can someone do the math? What would the file size be for 2 hour movie at present? What about if it were compressed into a zip or tz file? What would it be if the quality were improved? How long would it take to download these files with dialup, on dsl, on cable. I would think that most people would not be downloading using their offices T1 connection ;)

    How long would you wait or tie up your computer's internet connection to download an old movie from Disney?

    Here is another issue to think about. With large files being downloaded to your HD and then errasing them you will have to defragment your HD quite often or you will suffer. Is there rumor of improved Disk Utility or other method of handling this?

    Jan 21, 09:08 PM
    traded our CR-V in on Sunday, bought a 2011 Honda Odyssey EX-L

    You are officially a parent now. Your cool factor is gone. LOL jk. TURBO IT!

    Dec 28, 10:41 AM
    SeaFox, So what you are saying its that:

    �You're comparing apples to oranges now. A cable box is a tuner and a self-contained unit. As far as we know, iTV will not have a tuner. Its only known function at this time is to stream content from a Mac, so that makes iTV like a Slingbox, not a cableco DVR. And Slingboxes don't have hard drives.�

    1) the iTV should is not and should not have a harddrive, or any kind of computer capabilities? You say I�m comparing apples to oranges when I said my cable box has a harddrive, assuming I don�t know what a tuner is, when I was just saying a harddive is not that big a deal. And if it doesn�t have one that will be less of a reason to buy one.

    2) �The bandwidth problem has already been addressed.�

    Sep 1, 01:51 PM
    While I write this there are 176 posts already.

    Since initially posted (3 hours ago), there have been an average .9 posts per minute with no signs of slowing. This rumor is really keeping everyone here quite entertained. Cheers to slacking off at work on a Friday!

    edit: corrected "off"

    Aug 7, 03:34 AM
    It's starting 7 pm in Denmark, but I can tell you, the minute I post this, there is 8 hours and 27 minutes till the Keynote...:D

    Too bad you have to wait longer than me. It's only 8:26 for me till it starts :D . Yay France!<sarcasm>

    Oct 23, 10:05 PM
    The MacBook (non pro) was released without any event or conference. That update included a completely new enclosure, new processor architecture (and obviously new CPU), increased screen resolution, brightness... well, it was a whole new machine. And again... no press conference.

    I stand corrected. Macbook does definitely qualify. And I have renewed hope that this update may be a bit more substantial!

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