Saturday, May 21, 2011

justin bieber vs cody simpson

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  • rlreif
    Jul 18, 12:39 PM
    i was worried that it would only be sales... i never want to own movies, and the very seldom exception, i want to own in a better quality than what we get from itunes... they would have gotten zero business from me in movie sales, but for rentals i will use it all the time

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  • lordonuthin
    Apr 14, 12:50 AM
    What computers do you have operating to get those points? You must be an IT admin or something surely they are not your computers?

    Actually they ARE all mine along with the electric bill and heat :p I have 4 amd athlon x2 4400+ machines which don't produce vary many points, a phenom x4 9600, a phenom II x4 965 black with 3 gpu's, core i7 920 with 3 gpu's and a 2009 Mac Pro 2x2.66 cpu's running bigadv units. The gpu's are 2 x GT 260 and 4 x GTX 275. I know that is a bit of money and the power bill is quite high, but hey it's a thing to spend money on I suppose. I could spend it on my house and yard which could use it but...

    At work we have a pile of new Nehalem Dell's and IBM power 7's that I would love to fold on but I can't do that because it would interfere with the work they have to do which is bio science related as well. And well, I would lose my job... they aren't very keen on personal use of company hardware.

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  • Mulyahnto
    Jul 19, 03:55 PM
    I think iPod and Mac sales volume was towards the high end of the range of analysts' predictions. iPod and Mac sales volume is a more important indicator than revenue, I think.

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  • SchneiderMan
    Sep 9, 07:47 PM
    Incipio is now shipping DermaSHOT cases

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  • imac_japan
    Mar 21, 09:19 AM
    The point is made in Japan (or atleast a company from Japan) will have cheaper products that an American based company.

    Thats not the least bit true ! and if you lived in Japan - you would understand. I don't mean to be rude at all. Dell for example has desktops for under 100 000 yen (about $1 200 US)....

    eg:Australian Meat for example is cheaper than Japanese Meat....

    Most foreign products are cheaper or about the same price as the Japanese product

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  • interestedabit
    Apr 19, 11:18 AM
    Yay, I'm hoping for a redesign..

    not needed..

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  • havenhamilton
    Jun 22, 11:34 PM
    To me this seems like the desktop would look a lot like the iOS with "apps" which you could use like a touch screen. when you would actually go into apps it would switch back to the regular style of mouse and keyboard. it makes sense that in order to make the iOS more complex and powerful they would make osx simpler and more like the iOS. the simplicity of the iOS with the power of osx.

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  • wvuwhat
    Nov 26, 06:54 PM

    Picked up a wireless sensor bar to go with the red Wii I bought the other day. I use eneloops, so I don't care that it eats batteries.

    That said... I *DESPERATELY* need a new TV. My Wii is waaaay to blurry/dark on my old rear projection HDTV, even with component cables. I'm so used to playing games on my 1200p LCD, that the Wii was actually *difficult* to play.

    I'm looking everywhere for a good 32" 1080p TV; figured being black friday I'd be able to find something for around $300. Doesn't seem to be the case at all, unless you're going with no-names.

    I don't want to spend any more, because at that point I may as well just save up an buy a nice, big, 3D LEDTV when I move in May. Just want something "temporary".

    UGH... Buying stuff starts a domino effect... :o

    I'd go with the panasonic X2:

    You don't need anything more than 720p at 32"'s, unless you're looking into using it as a computer monitor as well. The reviews seem to be pretty good on these sets and it comes with an ipod dock. I've seen the Amazon price dip down to 330 or so in the past few weeks, so I'd keep an eye on it if you can wait.

    If you've got concerns about buying a TV from Amazon, I'll throw a nod to their customer service and shipping. I've now ordered 3 tv's from them and have had nothing but pleasurable experiences, plus the no tax thing in most states is a good thing.

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  • lilo777
    Apr 3, 12:13 AM
    Great ad. When they can't compete on specs Apple should try to use fuzzy math (sorry, logic) to convince people that there is more to their products. That's the only way for Apple to keep the profit margin.

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  • k8to
    Aug 31, 12:09 AM
    Grah. I hope this rumour proves incorrect. A processor that can't do x86-64 is planned obsolescence. I don't want to buy a computer that will be unable to run software in a few years!

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  • Doctor Q
    Jul 18, 12:53 PM
    Rentals are definitely the way to go.I think rentals are sometimes the way to go. If I want to watch a movie once, a rental is perfect. If I want to watch it 2 or 3 times over many years, I might as well rent it more than once. But I want to watch it many times, month after month or year after year, I ought to own a copy, to save the expense and trouble of renting it. I already have both choices in "hardcopy" format. I'd like to have both choices online too, as conveniently as possible.

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  • chillywilly
    Jan 6, 08:47 PM
    At macworld 2007 Apple will announce that you can download The Beatles music on iTunes and possible there will be a Beatles branded iPod.
    An all white iPod will be introduced, while the track "Revolution #9" plays in the background.... of course, who would be the surprise musical guest on stage..... Paul or Ringo? (or maybe both... nah)

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  • EagerDragon
    Oct 23, 06:16 PM
    At this rate the PowerBook G5 will be here before the Merom.

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  • popelife
    Jan 2, 06:48 AM
    Leopard for G3s, please.

    An iMac with an adjustable screen height, with dual C2D chips.

    Thereby adding $300 to the price...? Doesn't seem likely.

    Need four cores? Buy a Mac Pro.

    A Macbook with a proper keys on the board.

    Maybe I'm weird, but I really like the MB keyboard (I did some tests and found that I can touch-type significantly faster on the MB keyboard). The MBP keyboard looks old-fashioned and fussy by comparison, and the tactile feedback from those rounded-off edges isn't very good. So I really want the reverse - a cleaner-design MacBook Pro that uses something more like the MB keyboard.

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  • lord_flash
    Jul 14, 05:23 AM
    Sony has assumed way too much control with Blueray, so if I'd have to pick either format I'd go with HD-DVD. Lets not forget Microsoft is backing HD-DVD on the X-Box 360. Last week when I was at the game store, they said the add-on drive would be coming soon for around $100. Thats alot less than a blueray player.

    And how often have consoled that come in two parts been successful? Sega MegaCD, anyone (Genesis CD)? Developers won't be able to use the HD-DVD drive because they reduce their potential market, so it's just a player. Why not buy a decent stand alone (as soon as there are any - the Toshiba was slated in reviews).

    Like I said, HD-DVD and Blueray both suck in my opinion, too many DRM controls, too expensive, not enough difference really over DVD for most people....

    That's content owners for you - they'll always demand that. It doesn't mean you can't burn your own disc without rights management - backing up photos etc to 50Gb wouldn't be too bad. A lot easier than changing DVDs 6-12 times.

    Given the drives are out there and Apple are supporting the format, there is no reason not to make the option available. In fact given Apple's customer base outside the rabid geek community, Blu-ray creation capabilities would seem the way to go (Blu-Ray Studio Pro?). At �650/$1000 it isn't even that high a percentage of the overall price of a higher spec machine. Macs aren't cheap.

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  • Doctor Q
    Apr 26, 12:47 PM
    I doubt any legal battle between titans is a simple case, even if it appears so to us laypersons.

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  • RITZFit
    Jan 22, 02:03 PM
    it's been gone for a while.

    Good news! Atleast your kids can be cool :D

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  • Danksi
    Dec 31, 12:54 AM
    What do I see the iTV for? Streaming media, a glorified IP TV box, an easier way to bring the iPod to the living room. I really don't see it doing anything else. I'm hoping that I'm wrong.

    This is how iTV was originally presented, at least from what I recall, accessing your iTunes/iPhoto content on a TV. There's a hint there may be more, but I don't think so.

    My interest is the convenience of not having to plug my iBook into the TV and then mount the media drive inside the MacPro located upstairs, to watch some family movies or something I've downloaded. This certainly isn't convenient for the rest of the family.

    I've been shoving everything Music/Video related into iTunes, which has made access loads easier/quicker from both the iBook and my wife's Windows XP laptop (using iTunes) - but it's still not on the TV, without cables etc (and no remote)

    Unfortunately I've also noticed that not all movies/video-podcasts are shared properly, some are fixed by re-importing, some by re-tagging with 'lostify', but others are stubborn - this 'bug' needs fixing!

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  • Nermal
    Nov 25, 02:54 PM

    This for myself

    I preordered that from Amazon some time ago and it hasn't turned up yet :(

    Edit: It's here! :D (I should've complained sooner since that's clearly what did it...)

    Oct 22, 06:47 AM
    14 million devices sold in Q3 2010.
    'Nuff said.

    LOL...that's like Fox News touting their ratings as a testament that they are Fair and Balanced.

    Aug 7, 02:26 AM
    I just love this Vista trashing. I seriously hope Apple can create enough stir to put Vista in the 'Recycle Bin'. :p

    May 8, 03:22 AM
    ive completely forgotten about this.. i wanna do it but i dont want my baby imac over heating :(

    xi mezmerize ix
    Feb 23, 05:43 AM
    I gave up on running Handbrake on my MacBook of the same vintage, but only because kept loosing RAM and making it difficult to work. I started running Handbrake on the Mid 2007 Mac Mini instead.

    Haven't tried on the 2010 MBP that I just got. Might have to do that and see what we get...

    Handbrake runs fine on my 2010 MBP.

    Clive At Five
    Nov 28, 10:37 AM
    Microsoft lost billions on the Xbox and likely to lose hundreds of millions on their Zune attempt. iPod sales have been profitable for Apple since their introduction. How one measures success in this industry can't always be marketshare.

    Yes, the XBox was sold at a loss, but now they are a powerful and permanent player in the multi-billion-dollar gaming console industry. They'll make back their billions by the time "XBox 2πr" comes out.

    The Zune is a different story:

    [Zune] will have to win on features and integration -- so they are pretty much doomed. They have essentially bet the whole farm on the wireless exchange.

    Nail on head, my friend. Nail on head.

    See ya later, Zune.


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