Saturday, May 21, 2011

pictures of justin bieber new girlfriend

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  • rasmasyean
    Mar 19, 12:53 PM
    Umm kind of hard to do this with out the US and its military power. My understanding is the US it mostly going to provide support for it but not as much of the combat forces. The support being things like aerial refueling as we have the most of those flying gas tanks. They will circle over the Mediterranean Sea refueling planes going to and from missions. Kind of key to extend the range of the fighters and Fighter bombers.

    Other thing the US I believe will provide is cruise missals as that they can launch from the Mediterranean Sea. This mostly to take out the Air Defenses. They might provide a few bombers to help take out artillery
    US is not taking the lead. But is providing support. US is going to have the other countries really provide most of the planes needed for this.

    Actually, the US is supplying EWar and Communications as well. The AWACS ( planes themselves can be considered like "mother ships" of today and fill command and control functions.

    Command craft often make the decisions and lead attack and defense tactics. It's not necessarily the ppl who have the "front line" forces are in the ones who are the major player. "Fighter planes" are just like drones with people in them. They follow orders and do not lead anything. It would be like saying the marines are the leading authority in war. They are not. They are just machine operators who pull the trigger.

    It's really too early to tell what we are going to see, because they never tell you anything. Maybe with this rag tag army, you don't need $billion stealth planes to beat them up so you might not see these kind of things. Maybe later on you will see some predators or some crap only, who knows. But for now they just give the press a story and if the reporter steps out of line, they get him fired, like Geraldo Rivera during the Iraqi Freedom.

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  • Full of Win
    Mar 22, 05:20 PM
    Just curious, Why?

    1. Bluetooth car audio systems
    2. Bluetooth headphones
    3. Bluetooth speakers.

    The iPod is primarly an audio device, Bluetooth is a common audio transmission method. What more is there to say?

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  • whooleytoo
    Jul 18, 06:41 AM
    OK, I'm just going to do the maths...

    Let's see, divide by 1024.....carry the one....add 6...average speed of an unladen swallow...take the inverse and...

    The answer is: Very BIG!!


    With those math skills let me guess.. you work for NASA? Or British rail? Or counting votes in US elections? (Or in the Irish government.. "one for you, two for me, one for you.." ;) )

    How big are the music videos? I can't download them, so I can't determine the size, but if you knew the size of a music video, and you know its duration is roughly 5 minutes, you can extrapolate from that the approximate size of a 1:30 movie (i.e. multiply file size by 18). Multiply by 8 to convert to bits, then if you have (say) a 1Mbps connection, the math is easy peasy.

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  • RaceTripper
    Jan 10, 10:59 AM
    I love the german-colored motorsport emblem!

    Gorgeous 1-er!
    I cannot believe BMW is still putting MYRTLE WOOD in these cars. :pThe 1-series M Coupe ( has been debuted at Detroit Auto Show. I love the Alcantara dash treatment. I hope to get one later (wife gets a new car first).

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  • ingenious
    Apr 8, 10:47 AM
    And there I thought that Microshaft stopped development of Internet Exploder for the Mac because Apple released Safari. Which happened first?

    read above- apple released safari first (altho imac_japan will deny that. he denies anything anyone writes except himself). M$ thot that safari was too good for them to be able to compete, so they withdrew. this was plan that was already in motion to remove all stand alone versions of IE (win/mac).

    Well....then Is this the Mac-files ?
    Is there a conspiracy ???

    no, but its true! ask most ppl here and they will tell you that. these were also both UK sites, and ive found that (no offense) UK sites dont usually provide an unbiased opinion about apple. IMHO, i think its cuz they're upset that the iPod mini and iTMS haven't been released there yet. :D

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  • jbanger
    Nov 23, 06:19 PM
    Small Pelican case for my Oakley Glasses, (as seen on the last page of the XIV Purchases Thread)

    Have room for another pair too, Maybe I'll find another pair that I like in the future.


    you planning on treating them rough?

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  • surroundfan
    Sep 6, 09:19 AM
    They are expensive, with a lack of hard disc capacity when compared against the new iMacs and existing PowerBooks ( which I'm sure are also about to go Dual Core 2.

    The latest pathetic Mac Mini upgrade continues to highlight the idiocy of the decision to build a cheap 'switcher' computer using expensive notebook parts.

    For the foreseeable future, compared to your cheap desktop from the purveyors of fine beige boxes, the Mac Mini will lack HDD space, CPU speed, expandability, decent optical drives, and the low, low price tag of the machines it is (supposed) to compete against...

    (Yes, we understand why we should buy a Mac, but most folks are only interested in raw numbers. Remember this is theoretically supposed to be Apple's answer to the cheap crap piled high and sold cheap in the WalMarts and Harvey Normans of the world).

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  • Stetrain
    Apr 2, 08:18 PM
    While you may think your sarcasm-laden post witty, the fact remains that you have not stated any kind of revelation.

    They do not care about ONE consumer...but they certainly are going to care about the thousands of units that are being returned and exchanged in hopes of finding one good unit.

    I would tell you to review the iPad forum but I have a feeling that message would be lost on somebody so insistent on keeping their head in the sand.

    I like how you continue to respond to this one person and ignore the posts about actual personal experience with iPads and those who own them, and those who have seen plenty of others' iPads, all without defects.

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  • Edge100
    Sep 1, 12:18 PM
    I think so, sounds amazing. Makes my 20 seem puny!

    Mine's bigger than yours!! :)

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  • roadbloc
    Apr 3, 03:03 AM
    Miles better than them 'If you don't own an iPhone...' ones.

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  • newdeal
    Mar 25, 06:38 PM
    It makes me laugh that people are saying bad things about this when the playbook did it it was the best thing ever and the software it was displaying wasn't nearly so advanced

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  • heehee
    Nov 24, 03:11 PM
    It's not really a purchase, but I'll be flying in a Falcon 7x to HK. That's how I roll. :p

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  • shervieux
    Jun 23, 06:53 PM
    Remember this design? Maybe they THOUGHT it was a touch enabled iMac, but just the iPad in a dock that looked like an iMac:

    Something like this could be feasible now that the iPad is out. Throw in the rumored MagicPad and the Magic Mouse, along with a slim keyboard, and voila, a touch enabled iMac-like computer.

    Just a thought.

    :D Yes, give me an imac doc where I can auto sync my ipad / mac os x and run both traditional os x software and ipad apps from the mac. That would be cool and definately looking forward to. I would love to not have to worry about syn'cing ever again. maybe this is also why we have not heard anything about iwork or iLife 10 yet. I mean it is getting pretty late in the year and they are not out with it yet.

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  • Chris Bangle
    Jan 12, 11:31 AM
    I figured out the secret air message!

    What falls out of the air? ... Apple (s)

    Who do they fall on? ... Newton!

    It's the new Newton :apple:

    I'd bet nothing on it!

    thats quite clever actually... remember apples first logo.

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  • TuffLuffJimmy
    Jun 24, 01:39 AM
    damn Son, very nicely done!:cool:

    That's a very old render. I doubt MacAllen made it. Plus, why would you want a transparent display on a desktop? I can almost understand it on a window, but on a desktop it just looks like ****.

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  • SaMaster14
    Jan 11, 10:44 PM
    I was intending on getting a 335i coupe and decided to take the 135i for a spin for kicks (it was the year they came out). While they run about the same speed, the 135i just felt quicker. I ended up with the 135i vert ( pic in old thread). I have had two 3 series before, so this was just a change of pace.

    For those that think it is too tall, keep in mind that it gives it a much roomier feel inside. I am 6'4 and I could not fit in a miata sized car. When I get in a 3 series, even it feels less roomy in the cockpit.

    I also like the fact that the 1series is much more rare, around here anyway, than the 3. I still love the 3, though.

    Both the 1 series and the 3 series are really common where I live (Los Angeles, CA). I'm not a big guy, so the inside of a car being small has never bothered me at all. Personally, I didn't get the 335i coupe because my parents didn't want me have a coupe for a first car, and the G37S sedan was nicer looking, $10,000 less and about 95% of what the 3 series would give me. (plus, since I'm obviously not going to keep my first car for that long, I wanted something to look forward to when I upgrade... hopefully a 335iS coupe or something along that price range).

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  • Built
    Apr 3, 01:05 AM
    You did a poll asking hundreds of people if they are waiting for this very reason? Dude you're way wrong. The "many" people you are referring to are probably a very select number of....MacRumors members. Hardly indicative of the general population. I don't know if you heard- but people are going mad trying to get their hands on one. Your "theory" or whatever it is about people waiting to make sure the kinks are worked out is, well....stupid. I've read this whole thread and you seem to be on a kick about the light-bleeding issue. Yet you dont own one? Interesting.

    Perhaps if you spent more time educating yourself and less time convincing yourself that a flawed product is acceptable, you would learn something. Try googling the issue.

    Based on the way you write, however, I am going to guess that you won't take the time to do so.

    Some people are just not interested in facing the truth.

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  • cube
    Mar 24, 03:10 PM
    Once again, Sandy Bridge will smoke the Llano CPU. The amount of applications that currently support OpenCL are slim to none. You can keep using your theoretical AMD video to somehow prove something but the fact remains: Sandy Bridge's CPU will outperform AMD's Llano in EVERY application that isn't supported for OpenCL, and it will outperform it in EVERY application that does have OpenCL support if you have a discrete GPU. End of story. Saying that Sandy Bridge is a 'bad purchase' is laughable at best when we haven't even seen any hard benchmarks, we've seen a video from AMD's own YouTube channel. What the hell do you expect them to upload? Them getting destroyed by Intel like they do in every other test that has been done since 2006?

    I'd rather have a CPU that is a bit slower for non-OpenCL tasks, than a computer that is faster at that but is unusable for other things because it doesn't have OpenCL.

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  • cube
    Mar 25, 11:40 AM
    Because the Sandy Bridge IGP was not designed to do any sort of GPGPU work, point blank. We will have to wait for Ivy Bridge(next major release from Intel after Sandy Bridge) for GPGPU/OpenCL support on Intel's IGP.

    The SB documentation says it supports Compute Shader 4, a subset of the DirectX 11 level Compute Shader 5.

    What that means in terms of OpenCL, I don't know.

    Intel said they'll continue to evaluate OpenCL during 2011.

    Apr 20, 09:11 PM
    Why would they put an HDMI port on it when they can just put the TB port on and then sell an adapter? Win-win for them.

    You're forgetting that if the iMac user was shunting video to a big-screen TV via HDMI, the user might want to keep that port for that. Would leave the Thunderbolt port for other devices that they might want to keep plugged in without having to swap.

    Not all of us want to plug and unplug...plug and unplug

    Lord Blackadder
    Mar 7, 01:34 PM
    All this said, I've never needed any additive myself, car is never garaged, and has never failed to start as of yet.

    A neighbor of mine drives a ratty looking 4th generation Jetta TDI. She has it on an engine block heater, not sure what she does to prevent gelling but it works just fine, and we've had sustained temperatures well below -10F.

    So while it may require steps to be taken to prevent fuel gelling, diesels will run just fine at very low temperatures.

    Was only a young kid when that Focus was around.......

    Anyway, when the current US Focus debuted back in 1999 I believe it was, it wasn't a bad car. In typical bad Ford fashion, it was left to rot on the vine. It got a heavy redesign/MCE for the 2008/9 MY I believe it was, but it was too late. The 2012 Focus is so much better. Although I prefer the Chevy Cruze.

    My brother has a Mk1 3-door hatch Focus with the 2.0L Zetec four, and while I'm not a huge fan of the driving position I think is a great little car and miles ahead of what GM was making at the time. Unfortunately, Ford kept the Mk1 for sale in the US (with only facelifts) for way too long, and towards the end of its run it was pretty dated. The new one is a very nice car, and the arrival of the Fiesta really strengthens Ford's small-car lineup.

    I imagine that Ford will be keeping an eye on GM's diesel Cruze (if it happens) to gauge popularity. A diesel Focus or Fiesta would be a good addition to the lineup. I may be wrong, but I think that Ford uses their own diesel engine in the European Focus.

    May 2, 04:33 PM
    I think this is pretty awesome. I know that currently all you have to do is drag the app to the trash but it always bothers me that it could leave leftover files in Library, etc., which is why I use AppCleaner. I think having this more streamlined and comprehensive way of removing apps would be a lot better.

    Sep 6, 06:00 PM
    this surely is good news. but i wont be watching movies on my current 'pod...the window is too small. all this being dependent on wether or not it's gonna be available in the UK. it's a real bummer not to be able to download TV shows i love like you americans can!


    Mar 24, 05:12 PM
    I am talking about graphics capabilities now.

    Actually, you are just confused and trying to back peddle:

    You are talking DirectX version numbers(which already has nothing to do with what we're talking about and has no bearing under OS X) in relation to OpenCL when OpenCL has nothing to do with DirectX? Something doesn't add up here.

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