Saturday, May 21, 2011

selena gomez haircut in ramona and beezus

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  • SBlue1
    May 3, 01:58 AM
    I think this is pretty awesome. I know that currently all you have to do is drag the app to the trash but it always bothers me that it could leave leftover files in Library, etc., which is why I use AppCleaner. I think having this more streamlined and comprehensive way of removing apps would be a lot better.

    Apple could have adressed this problem by simply popping up a window when you drad a programm icon to the trash asking you if you want to delete just this programm or uninstall all of its data.

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  • macquariumguy
    Jan 5, 04:04 PM
    I'm still driving the NSX every day. Coming up on 6 years.

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  • Storm9
    Oct 12, 12:24 AM
    thanks. when it gets colder here, i'll start doing the bigadv units again. then the points should really add up. if they keep the units going.

    What are bigadv units? and how do I run them?

    I am currently running two instances using:
    ./fah6 -local -smp -verbosity 9

    do I just add the flag ' -bigadv ' to my command above?

    PS: I have a 2.53ghz MBP

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  • suzerain
    Jul 21, 02:22 AM
    Then you can't know that many people, I think you're forgetting there are still people outside of the US, and over here there still is a huge unexplored market for movie rentals. There are no companies that provide services like Netflix, and stores rule the market. If Apple uses the iTunes name for Movie Rentals, it will be a succes in Europe, either way.

    Does Apple even offer TV downloads in Europe yet?

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  • axu539
    Mar 31, 10:21 PM
    Google Maps looks fine, so do dragging images. There is something strange I noticed trying to refresh a page. The best is to just post the pictures to show the bug.
    The first is the popover that slide into view when I tried to refresh the page.
    The second is the address bar glitching once the popover is dismissed.

    It seems that once the address bar starts glitching, spaces starts acting up too.

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  • benhollberg
    Apr 12, 02:12 PM
    I can only drive stick, I don't know how to drive automatic.

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  • Sequin
    Mar 22, 05:36 PM
    Why would they even want to discontinue it? It's not like the iPhone can hold that many songs. You get more space with the price too. Although I still use my 30GB iPod from back when 30 was around the max.

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  • timmillwood
    Oct 23, 07:49 AM
    sorry to quote myself, but i just realized that the UK Mac Expo is this week, and that would be a good venue for releasing new MBPs

    so my prediction is Oct 26 at the UK MacExpo.


    i think they will stick with Tuesday then just show it off at the EXPO, this will be a silent update because no invites have been sent so there is no reason to wait for friday when they can do it Monday.

    I hope to have it order Tuesday and delivered by the end of the week?
    Any chance?

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  • fedex1993
    Jan 8, 07:31 PM
    My car (well, when I finally pass my test) is below, the blue Nissan Micra on the far left. Not a very impressive car at all by any means, but it was seen on Top Gear a few years back ( when the boys made their electric car and took it to Oxford.
    *offtopic* where are you watching that at?

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  • twoodcc
    Feb 23, 08:33 PM
    I'm not going to go to all that trouble, VM's seem like kind of a pain.

    VMs really aren't that bad. it's worth it. with just 1 gpu and and VM, i'm getting around 25k ppd. with 2 gpu, you'd get over 30kppd.

    I've just tried it in bios without much luck.

    oh. which motherboard do you have? i've had a little trouble with mine, i'm stuck at 3.7 ghz (still not bad).

    This ( guide might help you some

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  • Irishman
    May 3, 04:43 PM
    Yep, I am pleasantly surprised. I ordered one.

    The Quad i5 or i7?

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  • baryon
    May 2, 05:00 PM
    Great, but why use "Click and hold" when you can right click? Why implement the limitations of a small touch screen into a full computer that has the ability to do more? I hate things that require a delay. Click and hold sucks.

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  • AdeFowler
    Jul 20, 05:06 AM
    I found this to be most interesting. I think we could actually see some Adobe apps by Septemeber. Adobe has been going on an 18-24 month cycle and based when CS2 was released Sept/Oct would be 18 months and 24 would be April when Adobe has said basically "no later than".
    I think it'll be very awkward for Steve to announce the Mac Pros without a UB version of Photoshop being available, however I can't see CS3 being finished. However we know that Indesign is progressing well, so I wouldn't be surprised if Bruce Chizen came on stage and announced the availability of time limited betas; assuming Adobe are willing to help Apple.

    Now what should we spend that 9.5 billion on? ;)

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  • Full of Win
    Mar 24, 01:19 PM
    I wonder if this may imply the coming of that unicorn rider we all know and love, the 'headless mac" (aka xMac).

    Removable drives, no screen, more powerful than an iMac, 1499.99.

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  • SchneiderMan
    Sep 9, 07:47 PM
    Incipio is now shipping DermaSHOT cases

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  • Manic Mouse
    Aug 19, 08:03 AM
    PSP interface is so cumbersome, though. Just have a laptop.

    Like I said, an iPod with a touch screen and a slide out QWERTY keyboard (a la MYLO) would be better and more portable than a laptop. As clunky as the PSP's interface is, the feature of surfing the net is still very useful and popular. Imagine how much better a MYLO iPod would be. The media player market is staurated, so if Apple intend to continue to do well they need to make the new iPod much more than a media player. Incorperating WiFi into an music/video player is almost pointless, yet is many time more useful if you can check mail, IM and surf the net. It's a natural evolution of what the iPod is. And other companies are beating Apple to it:

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  • Kingsly
    Aug 6, 11:40 PM
    More pix of the same... in case anyone cares!
    1) WWDC2006!!
    2) the now infamous banners�
    3) me, with the now infamous baners�
    4) Nifty computer bags� they are giving out
    5) delicious gelato� :p

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  • Al Coholic
    Apr 21, 11:56 AM
    As soon as I saw the name Al Franken I stopped reading. What a dufus.


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  • firestarter
    Mar 19, 11:50 AM
    I suspect his foot dragging was done to get other nations to step up and take the lead here. About time IMO.

    That's one possible reason for delaying. More here (

    (FWIW, I don't disagree with you that it's time for other nations to do more)

    Thinking ahead, what happens when the power vacuum is in place?

    Get ready for the same old story, yet again, just in Libya this time.

    I think this action is probably too late to bring about a collapse of the Gadaffi regime. It may well lead to an extended stalemate, with different parts of the country run by Gadaffi and the rebels.

    It will probably drag on, and be messy.

    2 Replies
    Sep 14, 04:49 PM
    They are just doing it for publicity I bet...

    ... O_o ...
    The're a magazine.
    Publicity DEFINES their business model.


    That said, I still agree with their decision to not recommend it, and the timing of this restating of their stance is fine since Apple's offer is nearly up.
    Apple has acknowledged the phone does have a unique issue (that is NOT just the same as the issue of covering up the antenna that most mobile devices have ... otherwise adding an extra bumper wouldn't fix it.).
    No self-respecting consumer product review org would recommend a product with known flaws that the manufacturer refuses to adequately fix in the long term.

    Feb 22, 10:14 PM
    I thought anything with a GVWR of over 10k lbs was exempt from those standards. I know they are exempt from CAFE fuel economy standards.

    They are exempt from CAFE( since HD's are supposed to be work trucks and all), but they are required to meet the new diesel emissions laws.

    Feb 23, 05:29 AM
    Handbrake comes VERY close to destroying my Macbook ha ha, the CPU goes up close to 90 degrees celsius! Terrifying!

    I gave up on running Handbrake on my MacBook of the same vintage, but only because kept loosing RAM and making it difficult to work. I started running Handbrake on the Mid 2007 Mac Mini instead.

    Haven't tried on the 2010 MBP that I just got. Might have to do that and see what we get...

    Feb 9, 05:35 PM
    Was crunching for another team before. The stats from Berkley show the aggregate as do some tools like the FAH Wudget.

    Mar 31, 11:12 PM
    It seems that once the address bar starts glitching, spaces starts acting up too.1. The volume icon in the upper right finally displays the proper volume again.

    2. The Wifi icon was stuck on displaying the time since last reboot if you were connected to a router of Apple manufacture.

    3. Safari doesn't seem as RAM-heavy but the split processes (Safari vs. Safari Web Content) allows the latter to be killed if it consumes too much RAM to reset that to zero.

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