Sunday, May 22, 2011

selena gomez icons 2011

selena gomez icons 2011. JUSTIN BIEBER AND SELENA GOMEZ

  • gugy
    Sep 1, 12:47 PM
    23" Imac is a great size. Add HD resolution then that's great.
    I would love to see dual display support. But I highly doubt they will allow it. Apple wants to make sure there is a distinction between their consumer and pro line. It would be cool to have the Imac 23" with a 23" Cinema display next to it.

    selena gomez icons 2011. +bieber+selena+gomez+2011
  • +bieber+selena+gomez+2011

  • gugy
    Nov 29, 04:27 PM
    There is a huge interest by content providers (cable, networks, movie distributors, etc.) in utilizing the iTV(Front Row) interface to bring content to viewers.
    Apple has a huge opportunity to bring even more content providers to their game. That's where I see iTV with a huge potential. Imagine companies like NBC, FOX, Warner, etc. have their own "channel" on iTV using front row to show their content. I think is very doable.
    iTV will evolve into something much bigger IMHO than what Steve previewed. The potential is endless.

    selena gomez icons 2011. demi lovato and selena gomez
  • demi lovato and selena gomez

  • 840quadra
    Apr 21, 11:19 AM
    The more publicity on this, the more likely a hack will be developed. I love how many news organizations believe that this open file is some kind of new issue!

    There is a reason that some of us Jailbreak, outside of the desire to add applications outside of the appstore.

    If you have a passcode on your phone then you cant sync/create a backup if your phone was lost or stolen

    There are other ways to access data on an iPhone outside of Apple tools. If you think a Passcode is making your phone secure, you are mistaken.

    selena gomez icons 2011. pics of selena gomez and
  • pics of selena gomez and

  • lordonuthin
    Dec 19, 05:28 PM
    yep, a good thing for sure. we are doing better as a team for real now. just gotta keep people interested and involved

    Too bad we can't get an occational mention on the front page of this here website! ARN, are you out there, hint, hint... I'd write something to post on the front page but I'm not a good writer :D

    selena gomez icons 2011. justin bieber and selena gomez
  • justin bieber and selena gomez

  • Plymouthbreezer
    Aug 7, 12:55 AM
    Tis great. Can't wait.

    selena gomez icons 2011. say, Selena Gomez in a
  • say, Selena Gomez in a

  • fall3n
    Sep 1, 11:52 AM
    I'm wondering if Apple would kill off the 17" if they did introduce a 23". I'm pretty sure now that the manufacturing cost difference between 17" and 20" is quite small.

    I highly doubt they would killl it off. I think they'd drop the price on it which would make it even more desirable for standard consumers with a budget. Sort of a, why get the mini when I could just pay a bit more for the iMac 17" kind of thing.

    selena gomez icons 2011. Selena Gomez is one of the
  • Selena Gomez is one of the

  • milo
    Aug 29, 09:45 AM
    My take on this is that it's a great update! The performance of the base-model is more than doubled when you really think about it! Bring on the updates!

    It's not so bad on the low end, but that's a pretty piddly update for the pricier model, especially when you consider what the competition is using. The only way it would be forgivable would be if they had a pretty sizable price drop on the high end.

    selena gomez icons 2011. selena gomez icons
  • selena gomez icons

  • frankie
    Aug 25, 11:09 AM
    1. Apple doesn't pay those prices.
    2. No way is Apple going to keep shipping any Yonah processors.
    3. Any speed Solo Yonah will be history with this refresh.
    4. It's gonna be 1.66GHz Core 2 Duo T5500 and 1.83GHz Core 2 Duo T5600 minis.
    5. I expect the iMac to sport faster Conroes in a completely new designed enclosure that can deal with the additional heat a Conroe setup will generate.

    selena gomez icons 2011. Selena Gomez: I Didn#39;t #39;Lie#39;
  • Selena Gomez: I Didn#39;t #39;Lie#39;

  • After G
    Sep 5, 12:14 AM
    I thought Core Solo production was winding down, so maybe Apple could buy 'em all and do a price-drop. :D

    Maybe in another life ... :(

    selena gomez icons 2011. Justin bieber and selena Gomez
  • Justin bieber and selena Gomez

  • 4God
    Jan 1, 05:38 PM
    I think we'll hear more on iTV. I also think now would be the time for iLife and Leopard announcements. It wouldn't surprise me to see an update to the displays, including a built in iSight and a move from 23" to 24" - don't know 'bout that 50 incher though. :rolleyes: I don't think we'll see an update to FCP or MacPros untill NAB.

    selena gomez icons 2011. Selena+gomez+2011+grammy+
  • Selena+gomez+2011+grammy+

  • CrimeS
    Apr 2, 10:47 PM
    A really good representation of what Apple is striving to do in the "post PC" era. It's not about tech specs anymore (although those are still important things). Rather, Apple is leading in the innovation of consumer experience, which perhaps, is more essential to a product's success than simply its size, memory, screen resolution, etc. The future leaders of technology will be the ones that entice their customers through the brilliance and personal connections made with their products.

    Engadget wrote a great article ( about this a while back, in case you're interested.
    And if you're not interested, maybe you'll prefer this link instead ( :)

    Thank you for your comment! You hit the nail right on the head. Most people don't understand that simple idea.

    Apple is all about the "experience."

    My little nephews and nieces know how to work iPad without anyone showing them how to do it and their 2, 3, and 5 year olds.

    You can have the fastest, biggest cpus and cameras but what really matters is how easy the product is to use and the experience you get from it.

    selena gomez icons 2011. justin bieber and selena gomez
  • justin bieber and selena gomez

  • ComputersaysNo
    Jan 28, 06:24 AM
    Is anybody familiar with the story of Bill Caswell? Bill bought a $500 old BMW and became third place in a rally:

    I love stories like this.:)

    selena gomez icons 2011. selena gomez kca 2011 photos.
  • selena gomez kca 2011 photos.

  • wizard
    Mar 24, 01:50 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    next step amd cpus

    *Children Screaming in background

    Im no snob against AMD GPUS...but their CPU's are nearly 2 generations behind intel. I dont think Bulldozer is going to match the 1155 SB, much less the upcoming 2011 socket chips.

    What I want to see is a 27inch iMac with an HD 6970 2GB...Whoa whoa wee wow:eek:

    And is not perfect by any means but then again Intel doesn't really deserve the credit they get. Just look at the SB GPU and the bugs in SB in general. Since on can get superior GPU performance from AMD, and that is critical for some users, why not go with an entire AMD system? Yes I know the CPU is a little behind what Intel offers but that isn't a problem in Apples low end systems. Let's face it the Mini has never had a bleeding edge processor.

    This discussion gets even more interesting when you consider AMDs coming Fusion processors. If you are about to buy a system with an integrated SoC solution which would you rather have an AMD GPU or an Intel one? Yeah I realize that some people need the fastest CPUs they can get, but for many a fast GPU delivers a better experience.

    On top of all of that AMD seems to have the same vision of the future where the GPU becomes a kore equal partner to the CPU on SoCs. AMD is all in with OpenCL support today and has future plans to make such code much lower in overhead. Right up Apples alley.

    In any event I see a number of reasons for Apple to split sales between AMD and Intel. Long term a few AMD based machines from Apple is better for both Apple and the industry.

    selena gomez icons 2011. pictures of selena gomez and
  • pictures of selena gomez and

  • ampd
    Aug 7, 07:52 AM
    When apple releases new products are they normally ready to ship that day? Hopefully they won't need to charge my card right away until they ship it at a later date...I have no money but am still gonna buy a new expensive mac pro.... :confused:

    selena gomez icons 2011. justin bieber and selena gomez
  • justin bieber and selena gomez

  • bmustaf
    Sep 14, 09:59 AM
    They DO, I don't think you have the facts. CR held Lexus' feet to the fire to get them to act on the GX - .

    They EXPLICITLY came out and said "DO NOT BUY". A lot harsher than the Apple "Cannot Recommend".

    People trust CR because they're a non-profit that doesn't accept ads, endorsements, or free product. So, I don't see what is wrong with not recommending a product that has a flaw that the manufacturer isn't providing a permanent/non-band aid style fix for.

    If you read their article/write up on the iPhone 4, they give you the facts and let you make your decision, but when CR says "Recommended" you can be pretty sure you're buying a product without its issues. I don't think anyone here can say the iPhone 4 is without its issues. Those issues aren't a material problem for me, so I love mine, but I'm not a blind Apple fanboy type, either, so I have the wherewithall to understand that Apple and their products aren't perfect.

    I respect CR for making an unpopular call & sticking with it. I tend to trust them because they are open about their testing, results, the facts, and make recommendations based on that. I can make my own decision, so I didn't heed their "Not Recommended", but I do understand and respect why they rated it so and why the Case Program isn't an acceptable answer.

    PS - Auto makers pretty much do have to go door-to-door and hand out the fix for affected cars. You get a card in the mail and if it is a safety issue (e.g. accelerator/tip over, etc) they will even have the dealer come GET the car from you until it is "made safe" again. The onus is *NOT* on the owner, the company has to be proactive about it. Besides, CR isn't asking Apple to send a Steve Jobs look alike to everyone's home to put a case on their phone - they're just asking Apple to provide a *permanent* fix, be it a *permanent* case program (which I think is a band-aid, and I think CR sees it that way, too) or a *permanent* hardware fix. There is no certainty what the case (no pun intended) is going to be after Sept 30 - they have a point there.

    Follow up - Lexus fixed the problem and CR lifted their "DO NOT BUY" recommendation - . CR is *NOT* the problem here, it's Apple penchant for hubris/self-involvement. I love Apple and their products, but I'm not fooling myself to expect that they'll be any more consumer-friendly and honest than they need to be to turn a profit/feed Steve's ego.

    Get your facts straight before you spout off with inaccurate rhetoric.

    Does Consumer Reports stop recommending automobile purchases? Because you know if there is an issue with a car, the manufacturer will issue a recall. If you are affected, you have to take it into a dealer where it will be fixed. The onus is on the owner of the car, for crying out loud! The auto manufacturers should go house to house providing the fix for free to all cars, whether their owners report a problem or not!

    Wait, you mean Consumer Reports does not hold the auto manufacturers to the same artificial standard they hold Apple to? How amazing...

    selena gomez icons 2011. pictures With selena gomez
  • pictures With selena gomez

  • vaderhater245
    Feb 27, 10:09 PM
    Finishing my graphic design degree this May. The large intuos might get replaced by a cintiq very soon.

    selena gomez icons 2011. Selena Gomez is one of the
  • Selena Gomez is one of the

  • k8to
    Sep 6, 04:00 PM
    No EMT64, no biscuit.

    I wonder if Apple will be able to ship a monitorless, affordable, quiet core 2 computer before a boutique vendor fills the gap. If so, no mac for me!

    selena gomez icons 2011. profile icon imaginations
  • profile icon imaginations

  • balamw
    Sep 7, 12:58 PM
    I'm sure apple engineers can do these same napkin calculations. There would have to be some alternative to the straight dl. Maybe a torrent of some kind built into iTunes 7. I don't know. Just thinking.
    The torrent isn't going to increase your DL speed to > 150 kBps (typical for 1.5 Mbps links including overhead) if that's all your pipe can do.

    Perhaps what they'll do is more like a TiVo suggestions like service where it'll download movies you might want to watch in the background at night or while you are away and "unlock" them when you start to watch it.

    We'll see next week.


    selena gomez icons 2011. and selena gomez kissing
  • and selena gomez kissing

  • treblah
    Jul 19, 05:51 PM
    Good Lord, 9.5 Billion in the Bank!

    Dear Apple,

    This just makes .Mac sucking that much more incredible.

    Please hire some .Mac engineers.


    Every Apple User in the World

    Apr 21, 05:57 AM
    7 mil; I remember those days, not so long ago... Grats!

    thanks. hopefully this weekend i can get some things straightened out

    Jan 11, 06:04 PM
    i highly highly doubt they are calling it the "macbook air." that's borderline laughable.

    I said the same thing about the rumours of the Powerbook becoming the "MacBook Pro"

    Apr 26, 02:05 PM
    "nuh-uh, I've been using app, since blah blah..."
    -congratulations (but we're talking about millions, not 1 and a few friends)

    Try hundreds of millions, or billions.

    DOS and Windows 3 have used "app" as an abbreviation since before you were born.

    Aug 7, 06:51 AM
    Networking in the Finder is one of the biggest complaints people seem to have. Said it before and will say it until its done, FTFF! :cool:

    Yea, FTFF is right! I wish we would see this morning that Apple has finally FTFF in Leopard, but I'm afraid we're still gonna see much of the same old stuff in there that gives us reason to want to FTFF. I hope I'm wrong though.

    May 2, 05:36 PM
    So you're saying we should go back to Mac OS Classic cooperative multi-tasking ?

    Hello ?

    The 80s called, they want their computing paradigms back. Cooperative multi-tasking makes sense on ressource limited architectures. Even the iPhone/iPad like devices are far from "ressource limited". We had pre-emptive multi-tasking on much less capable devices (think 386s with 8 MB of RAM).

    I think what he is saying is that programs that are actually doing work in the background can continue running, while those that aren't can suspend iOS style. That is how Lion works. It brings the benefits of both iOS & Mac OS.

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