Tuesday, May 17, 2011

2012 civic si photos

2012 civic si photos. 2012 civic si specs.
  • 2012 civic si specs.

  • gnasher729
    Jul 28, 06:27 AM
    Ensoniq, thanks so much for the useful corrections. How significant do you think that 64-bit capability will be in the future compared to not having it(say, 2-3 years time)?

    64 bit is required for applications that need more than four GB of memory. For other things, it is nice to have, but not required. If you buy a MacBook today, you wouldn't be able to put more than 4 GB of memory in it for the next few years anyway, so in that respect it doesn't matter much whether you have a Yonah or Merom chip. For everything else, 64 bit software might run a bit faster than 32 bit software on a 64 bit chip, but it is not essential. So I think applications will ship as 32 bit or as combined 32/64 bit applications for quite some time.

    The question for the developers would be: If I switch to 64 bit exclusively, so my code runs ten percent faster on Core 2 Duo, but 1-2 million Macintosh users cannot use it at all, how many sales will I gain because it is faster, and how many sales will I lose because 2 million people cannot use it? Three years from now, the answer will still be that you lose more sales running 64 bit only.

    2012 civic si photos. 2012 civic si specs.
  • 2012 civic si specs.

  • skunk
    Mar 21, 02:58 PM
    I see your point. Personally, I'd been hoping Obama might hold ground on issues such as torture/surveillance/getting out of wars, and was fully prepared to accept fiscal policies I would hate (as a conservative--NOT a Republican, mind you) if we'd get some of the aforementioned issues. Gave up on any hope of that when PATRIOT got extended, though...on a few social issues (gay rights) Obama has distinguished himself admirably from his predecessor. However, in the big picture, we've still got a shill for big business and big government/brother, who is overextending the American military with conflicts in which we cannot afford to participate.Strangely enough, I agree with you entirely. :confused:

    2012 civic si photos. 2012 honda civic si coupe
  • 2012 honda civic si coupe

  • HBOC
    Apr 8, 01:50 AM
    I'll pile on here.

    I hate Best Buy.

    I miss Circuit City.

    I wish there was a Frys in Utah.

    There, I feel better. I hope this place suffers. I hate Best Buy.

    Fry's is way WORSE than Best Buy. All those tools are on commission, whereas BB they are not, although BOTH locations have equally clueless people. And their prices are not that great, and there is NO sales tax here in Oregon. They won't even match Amazon or Newegg. No one sells for less than those two... Not missing much my man.. and don't get me started on the "build it yourself PC section and TV section...

    2012 civic si photos. 2012 Honda Civic Si coupe
  • 2012 Honda Civic Si coupe

  • sampdoria
    Jun 14, 01:46 PM
    I just visited my local radio shack near my office and spoke with a sales person who seemed pretty well prepared for this, but take it for what it's worth...

    Pre-order: In-store at 7am EST. He suggested to pre-order as soon as possible, because by the time it reaches the west coast, they could run out. "They" meaning radio shack, he wasn't speaking for apple or att. And yes, pre-ordering guarantees me an iphone on launch-day.

    Launch-day: This store guaranteed me to have them on the 24th. And it will open earlier than usual (between 5am and 6am), depending on how the pre-orders go.

    Trade-ins: Any cell phones, active and non-active ones (with chargers) will be accepted on launch-day. I have razrs and blackberries that I will happily trade in for a credit towards new iphones. This is why I'm leaning towards radioshack more so than the others.

    Tip: Get to know your salesperson and vice-versa, before the whole madness begins, that way you'll get better service and no surprises.


    2012 civic si photos. 2012-Honda-Civic-Si-New-York
  • 2012-Honda-Civic-Si-New-York

  • starnox
    Aug 5, 04:51 PM
    Can someone confirm my calculations?

    The keynote will start 8PM UK time?

    2012 civic si photos. 2012 civic si specs.
  • 2012 civic si specs.

  • BanjoBanker
    Aug 25, 08:24 PM
    I don't have one of the Intel Macs (yet) but I have had excellent service from Apple Care whenever I have called. My wife's 14" iBook had the logic board replaced, 4 working days, and I sent my daughter's iPod mini in and it was repaired in no time ( I ordered her mini the day the became available-some teething issues I guess.) I had an AirPort Express replaced with no questions asked recently. I have never had a problem with Apple Care support, I don't expect to have my calls answered one the first ring when I call, that would be silly. These days being on hold for 10 minutes is one of those things. I agree with the other posters who said that the complaints get all the press. I try to always comment to management when I receive excellent service because compliments are rare these days, but complaints are common. Like the affulent med student in earlier post, I too am a switcher and I do NOT regret it for one second. I would not go back to my IBM Thinkpad if you paid me to.

    2012 civic si photos. 2012 civic si engine.
  • 2012 civic si engine.

  • NJRonbo
    Jun 14, 06:11 PM


    You are doing all of us a great service here with this information.

    The salesman just called me from the store I was in today.

    He is telling me that there is no guarantee of the iPhone even
    if you get the pin -- but he admitted he was not certain. All he
    knew was that there was something like 9500 pins nationwide.

    Told him that I had just read your message and that you were
    saying if I got a PIN I have a guarantee of a phone.

    He warned me that Radio Shack does not want the word
    "guarantee" used.

    I am putting a lot of faith in what you are saying here.
    I will be at my Radio Shack store early tomorrow.

    2012 civic si photos. 2012 Honda Civic Si - Front
  • 2012 Honda Civic Si - Front

  • Scarpad
    Apr 7, 02:20 PM
    I'm happy with my Current Gen Maxed 13" but I'm interested in an 11" so I'll be keeping my eyes open for what they do there.

    2012 civic si photos. 2012 civic si engine. the 2012
  • 2012 civic si engine. the 2012

  • banderson623
    Apr 27, 08:18 AM
    This is slightly off topic, but I saw a couple of posts of people who want to track their location data and see it or access it programmatically. I've been using Google's Latitude App (iPhone and Web-client) to track my location. They have an ability to get this data via a well documented API as well.

    I don't think it hurts battery life too much, and it is interesting to be able to see where you've been the last week/month/year.

    If you are interested check out https://www.google.com/latitude/ and their iPhone App (http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/google-latitude/id306586497?mt=8)

    2012 civic si photos. 2012 civic si interior.
  • 2012 civic si interior.

  • rezenclowd3
    Nov 24, 09:36 PM
    Oh I forgot. Still no qualifying/race weekends. LAME.

    Why the F%^$ don't race games include the race weekend experience, especially if it's a sim? F1 2010 at least does, but that game, even post-patch is horrendous.

    From racing RC cars, and AutoXing, qualifying/practice is so much of the experience. I hate always starting halfway or last in the field like I am forced to be a noob. It seems instead they force one to use a better car than the rest of the field to win, or severely inhibit the AIs ability.

    2012 civic si photos. 2012 civic sir. 2012 Civic Si
  • 2012 civic sir. 2012 Civic Si

  • yac_moda
    Jul 21, 12:39 PM
    Get with the program you guys ...

    ... start think the way APPLE think :eek:

    Apple will NOT release such a HIGH END MACchine without spotlighting a use :eek: :eek:

    Such a most excellent MACchine would be released with Bluray and the computing power would be used to burn to ALL THAT SPACE in human as opposed to GEOLOGICAL time spans :eek: :eek: :eek:

    2012 civic si photos. 2012 civic sedan si.
  • 2012 civic sedan si.

  • anim8or
    Apr 12, 01:17 AM
    I use ProRes for almost everything, so this doesn't bother me.

    2012 civic si photos. 2012 Honda Civic Si Picture
  • 2012 Honda Civic Si Picture

  • citizenzen
    Mar 22, 07:08 PM
    Whether it turns out to be justified depends on subsequent events.

    Sounds dangerously like, "the ends justify the means."

    2012 civic si photos. 2012 civic si specs.
  • 2012 civic si specs.

  • nsjoker
    Aug 17, 01:41 AM
    lol you mac folk and your photoshop :D
    let's get some game benchmarks :rolleyes:

    2012 civic si photos. for All-New 2012 Civic Si
  • for All-New 2012 Civic Si

  • sth
    Apr 5, 06:56 PM
    Hoping they'll be a Final Cut Pro Express derived from this version.. the current Express is getting a bit long in the tooth. The UI is hideous by today's standards.
    Either that or if they release it on the AppStore: Make the base application as affordable as FCE and make the other parts of FCS seperate apps or in-App purchases.

    Probably not at NAB, but many of the lines are due or overdue and they have made plenty of releases around NAB before (pretty much every year they have released something).

    4/2010 - Macbook Pro
    4/2008 - iMacs
    4/2007 - Mac Pros
    4/2006 - Macbook Pro
    4/2005 - Power Macs
    4/2004 - iBooks/iMacs
    4/2003 - iBooks
    I guess the iMacs are due before WWDC but I somehow don't think they'll release them the same day as the new Final Cut. This release of Final Cut has been years in the making, so they'll probably don't want the media coverage to be overshadowed by other announcements.

    I'd love to see refreshed iMacs, though. ;)

    2012 civic si photos. the sporty Civic Si Sedan
  • the sporty Civic Si Sedan

  • Multimedia
    Aug 23, 12:49 AM
    Yeah im not surprised. I went to my local store today and saw one in all its glory attached to a 30" ACD. It was VERY fast, system prefs launched in micro seconds, a meaty FCP project opened in less than 5 seconds same for Aperture & Logic, 1080p HD trailers were chewed and spit out using less than 10% of processing power. Totally amazing and best part...its very quiet. I played with a Quad G5 once and it sounded like a jet engine taking off.

    I defo want one but it'll cost me an arm and leg. Sigh...My Quad G5 is dead silent all the time. Those noisy Quads should have been sent off for repair. I was told the Quad in the Santa Clara Apple Store was also very loud. That is not normal. Properly serviced they run very silent.

    2012 civic si photos. 2012 Civic SI Sedan
  • 2012 Civic SI Sedan

  • CFreymarc
    Apr 12, 01:23 AM
    I hope not. I want the 5 now :)

    Correction, the iPhone 4G starts production in September.

    2012 civic si photos. 2012 Honda Civic Coupe Si
  • 2012 Honda Civic Coupe Si

  • asleep
    Apr 7, 10:55 PM
    Big Brother much?

    2012 civic si photos. Honda Civic Si Coupe 2012
  • Honda Civic Si Coupe 2012

  • Liebo11
    Aug 7, 07:58 PM
    great . . . i just get a new macbook with tiger now i'm gonna have to get leopard . . . how much will this put me back?

    Jul 14, 03:05 PM
    Power Supply at the top is REALLY stupid.

    I've never thought much of the relevance of its placement myself - why do you say that? Care to elaborate on why it is "REALLY stupid"?

    Aug 7, 06:03 PM
    Innovation isn't creating new ideas, but improving them.

    I guess. If we're allowed to make up our own definitions for words.

    If not, Merriam-Webster considers "innovation" to be "the introduction of something new".

    Apr 7, 11:24 PM
    I'll pile on here.

    I hate Best Buy.

    I miss Circuit City.

    I wish there was a Frys in Utah.

    There, I feel better. I hope this place suffers. I hate Best Buy.

    Sep 19, 03:36 AM
    PowerBook G5 by the holidays.

    Apr 5, 10:14 PM
    sorry but that's not the case. While some contend it's jaw-dropping, that's only because they're stacking it up against what FCS is currently. Compared to what Avid and Adobe are doing, Apple now has a mountain to climb. Apple has been too interested in their entertainment business to worry about their "pro" line (hardware/software). I know quite a few studios who have already shifted BACK to Avid and some are taking on the Adobe Suite completely as their software of choice. While some may find the new FCS exciting, and it does have some bells and whistles, it's typical Apple doing an incremental bump to keep up with what others are doing. Sad really.

    So if you were one of the 100 people up to now who's seen it and can accurately make this evaluation, let's see your invite....

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