Saturday, May 21, 2011

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  • aswitcher
    Aug 7, 02:28 PM
    Hmm... Cinema displays also got a bump.

    20" ACD
    Brightness: 250 cd/m2 -> 300 cd/m2
    Contrast Ratio: 400:1 -> 700:1

    23" ACD
    Brightness: 270 cd/m2 -> 400 cd/m2
    Contrast Ratio: 400:1 -> 700:1

    Oww.I saw the rpice drop but not the spec boost. I thought Apple was trying to clear older stock but now I think this is the new monitor and we caren't going to see one with an iSight built in. New iSight maybe...

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  • toddybody
    Apr 7, 10:49 AM
    Of course not purposeful. They bought what they needed and couldn't care less as long as they got what they needed.
    Why would anybody care about competitors getting any components of any kind, if they get what they need?

    Don't agree that Apple needs constant pressure.

    Any good company gets its pressure from within (to make it's products better, to sell the next generation) and from market research and consumer communications.

    I bet they know that MobileMe sucks (I gave it up as there is better stuff for free) and will do a major overhaul.

    I think we will see tablets taking a big chunk out of notebooks and become the next note book generation.

    The next revolutionary thing. (Dick Tracy watch that works:-)
    Could be that we'll all run around with little receivers and get the info out of the cloud via Wifi type "Gas" station network free of specific carriers.
    You'd go to such a station and dial yourself into your network as they all have Verizon, ATT , but they'd also have the renegades etc.

    These receivers will be able to project anything one would normally watch on a screen onto anything flat (wall , paper , desktop, side of a briefcase, even your hand etc.) so the current panels could become strong projecting lenses.

    Lenses can be smaller to project, so development of image sensors is next.

    Go RIM , MS and start developing or Apple will.

    Ha ha! Im not sure the relevancy of the last part...but I have to disagree (respectfully) with the notion that Apple doesnt require constant pressure or that any good company only listens to internal voices (users included). First of all, without competition Apple could very well become stagnant in it's HW development; a sad example of this is with the legacy use of C2D (and no folks, they could have gone to discrete options and circumvented the nVidia v Intel alley fight). Apple's also behind the curve on the GPU market, and with their aged MBP display res. Now, havent we all complained about these issues to some degree?

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  • moet_01
    Aug 12, 10:26 AM
    If the Keynote is on the first day of the Expo that would be the 12th.

    The iPod offere ends on the 16th, the end of the Paris Expo.

    You might have to place your order online as I expect they wouldn't be in stores by then, but you [we] should be all set.

    If the Mac Book is update before then you are not getting free ipod with it...

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  • adbe
    Mar 26, 10:38 PM
    I highly doubt this is the case. The iPhone still leads the forefront for iOS devices and will receive iOS 5 when it is released. The only way this works is if the release of iPhone 5 is in September and I don't see that happening any time soon.

    That's something that's playing on my mind too.

    I'm going to be watching carefully though, because it does seem possible that Apple think the tablet is a bigger long term deal than the phone. If they do, there'll be clear signs of it this year.

    Whatever happens, there'll be a new iOS release with the iPhone 5, simply because it is going to sport new tech. Whether that iOS is numbered 5, or 4.5 will be interesting.

    If I had to chance my arm, I'd say iOS 5 with the phone in June, but a small spec bump iPad 2.5/3 in October.

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  • eenu
    Aug 11, 03:29 PM
    So what is there to expect before MWSF?

    Well, new iPods, for one:

    Full Screen Video iPod, possibly with accompanying new iTunes service.
    Redesigned-nano + upgraded
    Updated shuffle (finally)

    Also, new hardware:

    New chips for MBP + possible case redesign
    New chips for iMac too


    The MBP will be done on a random day. Its a 'Pro' model andParis is more for the consumer goods like iMacs and iPods etc

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  • farmboy
    Mar 31, 09:00 AM
    I reckon Lion will be the last of cat names used for OS X.

    They can't really call the next one Ocelot, for example.


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  • roland.g
    Aug 2, 11:09 AM
    Let me get this straight. The Keynote is on Monday not Tuesday. I thought the keynote was Tuesday just like MWSF.

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  • Multimedia
    Aug 7, 07:22 PM
    In the past, Apple has always issued a "White Paper" on new leading products. I can't see the link for that yet. Anyone find it? :confused:

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  • Doenertier
    Sep 11, 04:16 PM
    Go here...

    Down towards the bottom of that page for the MBP where you read all about the computer and what it does, there's a bolded subheading that reads "It's Showtime." IMac and Mac Mini are the only other systems that offer a similar description, but their description heading says "Put on a Show."

    That is a little odd, since they're basically all describing the same thing. Why would the MBP say "It's Showtime" yet the iMac and Mac Mini descriptions use "Put on a Show?" How long have these read this way? Is this old or new? Does it have something to do with tomorrows' event, or nothing at all?

    Hmmm... very intersting.

    Reaching? Coincidence? Apple being coy?

    Some what-was-his-name?-intern...

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  • spotlight07
    May 4, 09:09 PM
    To everyone afraid that they wouldn't be able to do a fresh reinstall, how about a bootable Mac App Store recovery partition!

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  • mvc
    Aug 3, 10:45 PM
    Who voted negative????? You want it slower, eh? Give the man a G3! No, a 601!

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  • inlovewithi
    Apr 26, 02:29 PM
    This was inevitable given the number of phone models each OS is on. It was clear to see from way off. However if Apple are making more money than Google from these units it won't be anything for them to worry about.

    It's much like Windows and OS X, there's the volume model (Windows) and the Apple model. I'm happy with my iPhone and I haven't met anyone who's been unhappy with theirs either, that said, I've also not spoken to any friends who are unhappy with Android.

    Competition is good and while ever there is the competition then innovation will be driven more than if there was a monopoly, so this can't really be seen as a bad thing.

    This Apple. They don't need competition to innovate or make their products better, it's in their DNA.

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  • moet_01
    Aug 12, 06:35 PM
    You're wrong. The promotion is for ANY mac before September 16, as Nuks said. They can't (and won't) change the terms of the promotion before it expires.

    I'm planning to order a MBP and a nano right after Paris. If MBPs come out before Paris, I'm still going to wait to see if they revise the nano...that would make up for the 3 months of waiting to get the MBP.

    Not sure why you guys think you will get a free iPod with a new MBP.. Did you read the Terms and conditions? Where does it list the new MBP ?

    They did add the Mac Pro so you guys still have hopes to get a free iPod if released in time.

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  • bedifferent
    Mar 30, 08:12 PM
    Given that Apple sold over 4 million Macs last quarter, that must equate to around $7 billion in revenue. Macs still make up around a quarter of Apples revenue, so while iPhones might be where the most money is coming in, Apple can't ignore $7 billion per quarter...

    Very true but those Macs are portables, not iMacs and certainly not the overpriced and overpowered Xeon server driven Mac Pro's that replaced the affordable and (at the time) upgradeable G4's and G5's we all used for our work. What happened to the dedicated 20/23/30" LCD CCFL Apple Cinema Display line, or even the Apple Studio Display line before them? Replaced with ONE 27" LED LCD based off the 27" iMac (basically an iMac without a computer). Times change, I get it, but why do they have to leave us power users who supported them before the iPod and need Apple systems for work behind? It's costing us thousands to switch to Windows systems and applications such as Avid and Premiere Pro/Adobe Suites.

    IDevices are amazing, but please, don't make the already dwindling prosumers systems become iOS systems for the average Joe. There are a lot of people on here that are new comers from Apple's iPod/iPhone influx that don't know/understand what this is doing to those who really need OS X and affordable mid-towers and top notch displays again… and once built in California, now "designed" in California. Man, sad times for us and the states on that change...

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  • Multimedia
    Jul 23, 11:46 PM
    I said November for Merom MacBook Pros.

    You said “September Maybe.”

    Which leaves August unlikely, and December pushing it.

    However I will stand by my original post, that if I was planning to upgrade to a MBP Merom, I would be prepared to wait until December. As most experts have predicted a switch before the new year.

    Otherwise I think everyone understands both schools of thought here, which have already been suggested numerous times in previous post.

    Although, I think Apple will hurt themselves more in the long run if they announce an update and can’t meet demand.I agree with you about November. But not for MBP - for Merom in MacBooks. I think since Merom is already shipping early it's a safe bet we'll see Merom MacBook Pros running @ 2.33GHz in September. November would have to be the drop dead date for Merom MacBooks still running @ 2GHz since above that speed they are way too expensive to go into MacBooks.This better not be the case. There is NO way I'm waiting untill then for a MacBook Pro. I don't think apple will wait that long, I think WWDC is likely, and if not I would say at Paris.Exactly. The Tuesday September 12 Paris Apple Expo Keynote is the latest MBP will be announced as "shipping today".

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  • mikerr
    Apr 26, 03:00 PM
    iPads ABSOLUTELY contribute to that. If someone owns an iPad and bought a bunch of iOS apps, which smartphone do you think he's gonna buy next?

    Except IMO its iPhone user buying iPads, not the other way around.

    Having bought plenty of apps was tying me into iPhone for my next phone,
    now I have an iPad - I feel less tied to iPhone and feel more free to buy an android...

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  • yfile
    Apr 24, 04:04 AM
    Retina 27'' LCD should be 7200x4080 pixels. I think we can't expect it in near future... but i'd love to see it :)

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  • RalfTheDog
    Apr 7, 10:48 AM
    By now you should know that Apple is a greedy company, just wanting to hurt others and bankrupt several in the process.. its corporate america at its best.. hopefully NOT FOR TOO LONG.

    Apple makes products that people want. RIM makes products that cause people to point and laugh. Google makes products that they can only sell two for one or give away for free. Microsoft makes products that sit on the shelves until they are sent of to be recycled.

    Don't get me wrong, I like Google. Gmail is great and Google is the only search I use. Unfortunately, they don't know how to make mobile devices.

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  • jfinke
    Aug 4, 11:55 AM
    from yesterday comparing the Core Duo (Yonah) to the Core 2 Duo (Merom) from AnandTech (

    General application performance can improve a bit by switching to Core 2 Duo, but the biggest performance gains are associated with 3D rendering and media encoding tasks. Considering the nature of the improvements to Intel's Core 2 processor, the areas in which it succeeds are not surprising. If you use your notebook as a professional rendering or encoding workstation with no desktop in sight, then you'll probably consider Core 2 Duo a lot more carefully than most.


    For Apple users this means that early adopters of the new MacBook or MacBook Pro won't be too pressured to upgrade again by the end of this year. Of course Apple has this way of making incremental changes irresistible.

    Mar 30, 05:38 PM (

    Apple today pushed out a new developer preview version of Mac OS X Lion, offering an updated build of the company's next-generation operating system for testing purposes. The new version is Build 11A419.

    Changes included in the update are currently unknown. We've also heard that Apple pushed out a minor update via Software Update to developers testing the initial Lion build, an update that will allow them to download updates through the Mac App Store.

    It was reported ( a few days ago that Apple is already nearing the release of "golden master candidate" versions to developers, despite a distinct lack of polish and even basic functionality in the initial version issued late last month. Consequently, developers will be looking closely at the new build for signs of progress.

    Apple has stated that Mac OS X Lion will be released to the public this summer, and the operating system is of course expected to be one of the major topics of discussion at Apple's Worldwide Developer Conference scheduled ( for June 6th-10th.

    Article Link: Apple Releases Mac OS X Lion Developer Preview 2 (

    Apr 25, 11:46 AM
    A lot of the science practices used now days an that will be used in the future starts being used for something it was not designed for,or better yet not "though of" (minoxidil was created for hypertension, not treatment of hair loss, Botox was used for treatment of facial spasms not make you look younger, The internet was created for research development by the government, and the list goes on and on). It is the nature of science and technology to evolve. Like it or not (I sure don't), just like Napster, Geo-location technology used for finding out even more information about you is here to stay one way or another.

    Man up people! how we implement the "new" use of any technology without crossing and protecting personal rights is where we should be concentrating on (promoting solutions and protection laws). It is waste time arguing (through news articles and political speeches) defending the mere existence of something that is not going anywhere.

    This is what I posted in the CNET article

    Apr 18, 03:54 PM
    You're thinking of trademark law. Patents are awarded for a specific period of time. You can't lose them just because you don't defend them. You can sue at any time.

    Its only trademarks that you have to protect in order to keep them.

    You see so many patent lawsuits because there's money in it and to stifle competition. There is no other reason.

    If by stifle competition you mean incent R&D, I agree.

    Nov 26, 04:24 PM
    Too many buttons - if there were any more I'd think it was a Microsoft product. :D ;)

    lol my point exactly... and look at the status lights! What a joke. Was this mock-up meant to be a joke, or was it actually serious? Kind of lacking in the apple-ness department (OSX aside)

    Anyway... thank god at least for a new rumour. Was getting annoyed abotu having to read the 'thanksgiving sale confimed' BS.

    give me an ultraportable... interface is up to steve.

    Apr 20, 04:54 AM
    If they were going to call it the 4G, they'd have to include LTE capabilities, and all rumours so far suggest they won't.

    It could include HSPA+ capabilities (which, really, will be the 4G standard until LTE is rolled out in most locations, but iPhone 6 will be out when that is the case regardless of what carrier you're on).

    Obviously, Verizon customers would be SOL if HSPA+ was the only 4G option since there's no similar technology for the VZW network.

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