Sunday, May 22, 2011

selena gomez songs pics

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  • OdduWon
    Jan 1, 06:14 PM
    with iTv,the new features in iChat (background images), and the rumors of new iSight and apple game console, perhaps we will se see some type of iToy like device.:p

    Also, with updates to iChat, perhaps we will see some smaller form of iSight for use with iTv and iPod/TelePod. This would also allow people to watch movies with friends around the world with a core animation powered keynote like Pic in Pic format.

    Or perhaps ^QT8^ will provide this function. ;)

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  • Selena Gomez Songs with Lyrics

  • Clive At Five
    Sep 1, 12:55 PM
    Dammit, you see what they're doing with this 23" iMac, don't you? They're trying to plug up the gaping hole in their product line by introducing a "Pro" iMac of sorts. They'll use it as an excuse NOT to make a freaking mid-level Mac.

    It'll still be a gaping hole, even with the top level Merom, but it'll be small enough for Apple to ignore it. Infidels!

    Prove me wrong, Apple. Prove me wrong.


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  • justin bieber and selena gomez

  • asphalt-proof
    Sep 1, 02:08 PM

    I remember when there was speculation about a 19" iMac being released (back in the g4 days or, as I call them, the Bad Ol' Days). There were some there that totally pooh-poohed the idea and predicted it would bite into sales of Powermacs. Didn't happened. I think the 23" is a natural evolution and will buy one as soon as my wife allows me to. (been working on my wheedling and whining).

    Can't wait til the 12th.

    selena gomez songs pics. Gomez#39;s first music video,
  • Gomez#39;s first music video,

  • ffakr
    Nov 25, 05:32 PM
    Dell is setting the pricing. It's not about the vendor costs.. it's all about what vendors think customers will pay.

    I'm shopping for one to two compution nodes right now and the Dell Quad-Core 1U servers price at a bit cheaper at 1.86GHz [quad] vs. the dual-core system at 3.0GHz. Since 1.86GHz is very near the low end of the processor line, I'd suspect that we'll see the high end quad-cores sell for much more than the high-end Dual-cores. It won't matter what the part costs are [they are much closer]. There's too much extra value to end users who really need to run a lot of threads.

    For most people, one Core2 Duo is plenty of horsepower for a long, long time. I'm typing on my new MacBookPro Core2 right now. One downside with the Core2Duo.. the thermal envelope IS higher than the Yonah CoreDuo processors. This thing gets pretty loud when the cpu [and the fans] spin up. It is wicked fast though [15" model with 2.33GHz]
    This is one reason why I don't suspect we'll see a Core2Duo in a Mini any time soon. First off, the cpu is way too fast for a system with Integrated grpahics (unless you want a mini computation node). Unfortunately, Apple hasn't listened to me for the last few years so they haven't built in X-Grid support into all their consumer apps. If they had, your Mac MediaCenter could invisibly speed up the rendering of your iMovie project that you do on your iMac or Macbook. ;-) [as I always tell Apple, I hold no IP on potentially good ideas I provide publicly to Apple, go take them]

    For most people, the towers are way too fast. I've set up a few dual-dual 2.66GHz machines and they are wicked fast. It really is difficult to slow them down even when you go out of your way to try (like Mathematica, HandBrake, a fork-bomb, and several other apps).

    For me at home, the only reason I'd want a Tower would be for the X1900 video option. The Core2Duo iMac is more than powerful enough in every other way (even the occasional video work). I don't loose money when I'm waiting on a computational cycle though (like some of the people here)

    At work, it's a different story. I'm looking for a very small computational cluster or One large computational node and 4 CPU cores may not be enough for multiple users.
    Quad Dual-Core Opterons are too expensive so the Dual Quad-Core Intel systems would be perfect. The only problem is, at 1.66 and 1.83GHz, I'd likely be better off with 2 dual-core Core2Xeons running at 3.0GHz because they'd retire threads much faster and they run cooler (our chiller is over 20 years old so heat is a big issue). The Quad-Core Xeon chips run back up into the thermal range of the old P4 family chips. My whole excuse for new funding is to replace cluster of 22 single processor cluster nodes (ranging from 750MHz to 1GHz Athlons).

    BTW.. it was some stupid ffakr who predicted in the last thread on this topic that we wouldn't see quad-core mac towers at this time. :-)
    I still suspect we'll see Quad-Core chips in one or two high end Tower models only and that will happen at MWSF at the earliest. I also think that it is no coincidence that Apple hasn't replaced the old PPC XServe Cluster Node yet. :-) Considering the relatively low part cost if moving from dual to quad cores.. I suspect that Apple will return the XServe Cluster Node and it may be Dual quad-core only.


    selena gomez songs pics. Selena Gomez And Demi Lovato#39;s
  • Selena Gomez And Demi Lovato#39;s

  • rmhop81
    Sep 6, 05:21 PM
    i know this is off topic but are they ever gonna do anything about the outrageous cost of .Mac subscription?
    order it from newegg! $20 cheaper

    or get the family pack. only $45 more than what apple wants for the cheap single license haha

    selena gomez songs pics. Selena Gomez Secret Track List
  • Selena Gomez Secret Track List

  • 63dot
    Nov 25, 01:07 PM
    They're just ****ing sunglasses...

    That's what I thought, but I have seen some in the $300 to $400 dollar range, more with precious stones (actually, much much more).

    These cool ones are $250 to $400 and quite nice, but so not me. I could never get enticed into high end, multi-purpose glasses unless they came bundled with OS X and I could navigate through it using just my mind. :)

    selena gomez songs pics. Selena Gomez + Taylor .
  • Selena Gomez + Taylor .

  • syklee26
    Sep 6, 04:55 PM
    Originally Posted by mdntcallr
    cmon apple. get a clue.

    these little mini's are nice but not great. there is a real void in your product lineup.

    we need something with like a intel conroe chip, larger case, the ability to put in a better graphics card, and the basics like more ram, bigger hard drive and stuff.

    give us a bigger mid sized tower type computer.

    we all don't want to buy something with a screen. nor do we want some tiny puny non-upgradeable thing like the mac mini.

    give us better options.

    ironically, this is why Apple stock does not plummet like other computer vendors. giving buyers few options to upgrade forces people to keep upgrading the system. you know that Apple Mac users upgrade their computer more often than PC users.

    more upgrade of Mac = more Mac sales. good for Apple.

    selena gomez songs pics. Selena Gomez in Music Video:
  • Selena Gomez in Music Video:

  • Sammio2
    Nov 28, 11:39 AM
    Received my brand new MacBook Air 11" today, YAY!

    (1,6 GHz, 4 GB RAM, 128 GB SSD)

    Nice purchase, but I think you're meant to take it out of the box. Not sure though, maybe someone else here could provide some clarification on this...

    selena gomez songs pics. Selena Gomez, Magic Planet
  • Selena Gomez, Magic Planet

  • FoxyKaye
    Jun 23, 12:00 PM
    iOS on a real Mac seems about as pointless as Microsoft Bob on Windows.

    Granted, there are some highly innovative aspects to iOS, and integrating some of these into a desktop computer OS would be beneficial.

    But gods help us all of iOS and OS X merge at some point - as was pointed out on Slashdot just today, it would create a fully media DRM-locked, Apple-controlled application distribution center. Which would be very beneficial to Apple, but not so much to the consumer.

    Although speculation that this will happen is rampant, as exemplified by the ARS Technica article today:

    In the meantime, it has been well over a year since either the XServe or Mac Pro have seen an update (despite charging through the roof for last year's technology), and Apple hasn't said anything about 10.7. That should be enough of an indicator right there.

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  • selena gomez who says music

  • RebootD
    Apr 12, 10:03 PM
    $299 are you out of your mind?

    That's very inexpensive but... what about motion? soundtrack? Livetype?

    selena gomez songs pics. MP3 Songs ~
  • MP3 Songs ~

  • aquajet
    Sep 6, 09:54 AM
    Is it just me, or does the $599 mini *not* let you configure it with a DVD burner?

    You're right and that sucks. :(

    selena gomez songs pics. Selena Gomez
  • Selena Gomez

  • leekohler
    Apr 20, 02:43 PM
    Yes, I love driving manual transmission cars. It's fun.

    selena gomez songs pics. selena gomez songs list.
  • selena gomez songs list.

  • SplinterCell
    Nov 28, 01:18 PM
    I have no idea where you got that one from. The original Xbox never made a profit. Microsoft is deliberately selling the Xbox 360 at a loss to capture marketshare. However, the PS3 and Ninetindo Wii are selling like hotcakes, are latest big things, and have the buzz. The best laid plans ...

    It may not be true that they broke even, it's just something I thought I heard on a tv interview...

    Sony is selling the PS3 at a loss as well, Nintendo I'm sure is making money on the Wii...

    There was also a lot of buzz for the 360 a launch & after, MS has sold over 15 million XBOX 360's in the last year, so I think they have done pretty well....

    I don't think Sony has the best plan, if they did they would have launched earlier, had more units at launch & not be so overpriced...

    selena gomez songs pics. Selena Gomez And The Scene#39;s
  • Selena Gomez And The Scene#39;s

  • dsnort
    Aug 31, 08:45 PM
    It seems like there is so many iPod ideas floating around. Full video iPod, wireless iPod, iPhone. Why not put it all into one machine. I mean it is Apple. They can do what they want.

    I have said this same thing before. An iPhone in the vein of a Treo or Blackberry, utilizing some of the Newton tech, that is also a video iPod! Call it a DLA, (Digital Life Appliance).

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  • selena gomez songs in spanish.

  • eenu
    Aug 16, 02:04 PM
    jettredmont, in terms of the UK we have coverage pretty much everywhere non of the issues you guys have. But apart from that....points noted

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  • Which Selena Gomez Song are

  • twoodcc
    Oct 16, 11:42 PM
    I know what you mean, my small house keeps toasty just from the computers running. The problem is getting the heat moved from the computer room... thus a box fan in the door pushing in cool air at the bottom.

    yeah i might have to invest in a fan. this is crazy in my place. the air on when it's 45 degrees outside! :eek:

    Thanks, and sorry I just moved past you:D for now anyway...

    on no, i'm glad your able to put up those numbers. i would if it wasn't for the heat in this little apartment

    selena gomez songs pics. the real Selena Gomez or
  • the real Selena Gomez or

  • Starchitect
    Oct 24, 12:46 AM
    Here it is! 8 hours early!


    selena gomez songs pics. Selena Gomez (born July 22,
  • Selena Gomez (born July 22,

  • SPUY767
    Jul 18, 08:32 AM
    Lets see how they make this happen, movies are big downloads (or so im told :p ;) ) people wont like spending a lot of time downloading a file only for it to become completely useless a while later. But if it increases the content in the iTMS then so be it!

    A 3 Meg Connections is sufficient to stream Apple's HD trailers in 1080i. I really don't think that there would be a problem buffering a movie for ten minutes or so and then playing it all the way through, especially if they were 720p.

    selena gomez songs pics. selena gomez and the scene.jpg
  • selena gomez and the scene.jpg

  • lordonuthin
    Oct 16, 02:20 PM
    congrats to whiterabbit for hitting 1 million!

    Thanks, and sorry I just moved past you:D for now anyway...

    Mar 20, 01:19 PM
    I just want to add that Apple would sell more computers if one was cheaper.....

    yes, this is true. but apple is not in the business to sell more computers. apple is in the business to turn profits.

    tiffany's would sell more diamond rings if they cut the price in half.
    BMW would sell more cars if they cut the price by 30%.

    ...but so what?

    Jan 30, 07:53 AM
    I can't imagine many thieves break into cars to try to steal a built-in navigation system that is in full view on the car's dashboard though.

    Maybe not in the US, but in Denmark built-in navigation costs in the region of 10000$ (I don't know how much it is in America), and if you see a car with it, you immediately think: "those people have money.", and if a thief (burglar?) thinks so to he is more likely to steal (from) your car.

    Nov 27, 04:49 PM
    According to vendors cited by the article, 17" widescreen monitors will not necessarily be more expensive than the current 17" 4:3 models.

    Do the math! A wide screen 17" display has fewer pixels than a 4:3 17" display (given the same dpi).

    So I sincerely hope they aren't going to charge more for a wide display that has less pixels than a 4:3 display.

    Mar 22, 05:17 PM
    The big problem with hard drives is that they're slow.

    They are plenty fast enough to play my music. :D

    Waiting hopefully for the 220GB classic.

    Jan 12, 05:20 PM
    no one has mentioned that the font used in the banners is Myriad Pro Light instead of the typical Myriad Pro Semibold or Regular.. hmm

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