Saturday, May 21, 2011

iphone 5 release date ireland

iphone 5 release date ireland. iphone 5 release date
  • iphone 5 release date

  • Eidorian
    Aug 11, 10:05 AM
    Well, I bought my iMac Core Duo this Wednesday. Yes, AFTER Tuesday. I kinda needed it since I've waited since June for a new Mac. I'd be computerless otherwise. No worries, my boss wants first dibs on buying it off of me next year. :D

    iphone 5 release date ireland. iphone 5 release date in
  • iphone 5 release date in

  • thejadedmonkey
    Aug 2, 10:50 AM
    I can't wait!
    5 days to go, and I'm in need of an iPod and reallllly really really wanna get a look at this 'Leapord' thing everyone's talking about so much! So maybe I don't get my iPod, I'm still really excited. Apple's been so boring this year, with a bluetooth might mouse just about the most exciting release thus far... I have expectations Apple, don't let me dont please

    iphone 5 release date ireland. Enough with the iPhone 5
  • Enough with the iPhone 5

  • wacky4alanis
    Nov 30, 12:36 PM
    I used the Tom-Tom mount for our trip from Boston down to Maryland over the Thanksgiving holiday. It was great! I found it extremely useful to simply use the standard iPhone maps to show traffic conditions. We saved many hours by avoiding traffic back-ups with real-time dynamic routing (using our eyes and brains). I found that I was able to re-route myself by simply looking at the maps, so a navigation program was not really necessary.

    I also loved the fact that I could play music through my car stereo. It was also very easy to pop the iPhone out of the mount when we stopped at rest areas. To be honest, I don't think we really needed the improved GPS functionality of the Tom-Tom. The mount itself was the most useful thing (power, music, hands-free phone).

    I think the GPS navigation functionality will be more useful for local trips where I am trying to find a place I've never been to.

    iphone 5 release date ireland. iphone 5 release date
  • iphone 5 release date

  • Christina1971
    May 7, 10:27 AM
    Huh? If they aren't making any money for it now (with relatively few people paying for the service) how would it make sense to give it away for free (with many many more people not paying for it?)

    I for one use it ALL the time. When you have more than one device (multiple macs, iphone), it's SO nice to have them sync wirelessly, immediately, and without having to login every time, on the native apps. iCal, Contacts, Safari links: I am a very frequent user of the mobileme syncing on all of these.
    Maybe as marketing? Like you said, it works well and seamlessly if you have several Apple devices. People might be thinking of buying more than one Apple product, but wondering how they can keep everything synced.
    Apple could promote Mobile Me as a "value add" and perhaps get more buyers of other devices that way?

    iphone 5 release date ireland. iphone 5 release date
  • iphone 5 release date

  • Jaro65
    Mar 29, 08:46 AM
    I'm glad Amazon rolled this out before Apple in the sense that I hope it pushes Apple to roll out a cloud subscription that handily beats Amazon's offering.

    Exactly. Competition is a good thing.

    iphone 5 release date ireland. iphone 5 release date
  • iphone 5 release date

  • nagromme
    Aug 7, 04:01 PM
    Here's other point of view: I want to use OSX in everyday use (Safari, Mail, iTunes, graphic design, Dreamweaver etc... and OSX overall). But sometimes I want to play games too, and it's awesome that nowadays it's possible to boot into Windows and play games there and then boot back into OSX. Are you saying that Apple should totally forget all users who would like to use OSX but occasionally play games on Windows, and let them buy PCs? Most of the gamers do not use their computer ONLY to play games. Consumer tower would be good for Apple to get new switchers and get more marketshare.
    I agree 100%. And I'll go one further: not only do I want to have ONE machine for work and play--a Mac--but I don't want to have to reboot, NOR buy a license for Windows :)

    I've been buying Mac games and will continue to--and games are a big motivator for me to buy new Macs.

    I don't think Apple will ignore the sub-Mac-Pro headless market forever. I think something is coming to fill the gap. I just don't know when :)

    iphone 5 release date ireland. The iPhone 5 release date
  • The iPhone 5 release date

  • cirus
    Apr 24, 01:54 PM
    You contradict yourself here. A 27" iMac is probably already retina, considering the viewing distance should be around 30" away.

    As the distance grows, the PPI treshold to achieve the "retina" effect of "Eye can't distinguish the individual pixels" becomes lower. Given enough distance, 48 PPI can be enough to be dubbed "retina display" (your standard 50" 1080p TV).

    No, you're not wrong. But I'm not either. I'll let you figure out why (think about the lower case b in Mbps vs MB of RAM ;) ). Unless I'm misinterpreting something, I doubt DP 1.2 can push out 21 gigaBYTES of data per second...

    As for the 6990 listing that as max resolution, I'm betting that has more to do with current LCD display limitation (that is the max resolutions you'll find on an LCD monitor) than with actual hardware limitation. The hardware is capable of more than that. Some of these cards with a single GPU have 2-4 DP outputs capable of driving 2-4 of these 2560x1600 monitors. The GPU itself doesn't a problem pushing out these pixels and DP 1.2 makes it so they can push it over a single connection.

    Sony was there first with the Vaio Z. 13.3", 1920x1080 baby. If it weren't so expensive it would be mine and I'd be back to running Linux.

    Thanks, a 'duh' moment for me.

    However, ati does list the 6990 as having a maximum display resolution of 2650 x 1600 per display though it can handle up to 6 displays. There will have to be a change somewhere. (Though you could probably write a program that would allow this resolution). That is still going to max out thunderbolt so you would not be able to drive one of those displays at native with a macbook pro.

    iphone 5 release date ireland. The new iPhone 5 release date
  • The new iPhone 5 release date

  • nidserz
    Apr 10, 02:57 AM
    sorry but business calculator is not a scientific one and thus not valid for this argument.

    LOL um... ok? It's a calculator...

    iphone 5 release date ireland. the iPhone 5 release date?
  • the iPhone 5 release date?

  • SteveRichardson
    Aug 7, 02:58 PM
    Yea okay so I'm leaving for Chicago on the 22nd of this month for school and I really wanted to get a MBP with merom before then.

    boooo I'll have to settle for the current chips, which I'm sure are great anyway.

    iphone 5 release date ireland. Rumor: iPhone 5 Release Date
  • Rumor: iPhone 5 Release Date

  • jkr801
    May 7, 10:58 AM
    Google, Dropbox, Teamviewer. Good enough for me and free.

    iphone 5 release date ireland. iPhone 5 iPhone 5 Release Date
  • iPhone 5 iPhone 5 Release Date

  • citizenzen
    Apr 14, 05:23 PM
    I think we can all agree that there is a lot of waste in government. The fact is, a lot of it is hard to find.

    I'd try to take the time to find it.

    There are people who specialize in that.

    Let them loose. See what they find.

    iphone 5 release date ireland. By the end of July the iPhone
  • By the end of July the iPhone

  • Unspeaked
    Jul 21, 08:57 PM
    People, they only released the MacBooks two months ago!

    They're not gonna upgrade them in a matter of weeks.

    It'll be the new chips in the Pro models, and AT BEST a slight speedbump to the Black MacBook (maybe the 2.16 GHz chip)...

    iphone 5 release date ireland. white iphone 4 release date
  • white iphone 4 release date

  • aswitcher
    Jul 30, 07:14 AM
    i dont think this will be a dream feature phone but it will work wonderfully with iSync and .Mac, iTunes, iPhoto, Frontrow (BT controller), Mail, iCal, AddressBook etc

    I hope it has a 2 megapixel camera and at least half a gig of ram.

    iphone 5 release date ireland. new iphone 5 release date
  • new iphone 5 release date

  • kavika411
    Apr 20, 09:40 AM
    This may have already been said, but I believe the timing of the release of the next iPhone is related solely to the fact - at least I believe it to be fact - that the next thing Apple will release/roll-out is their "cloud." That'll be done in May or so, and they don't want to cannibalize attention/press for their cloud with the next iPhone. They want a few months in between rolling out the cloud and something as big as the next incarnation of the iPhone.

    iphone 5 release date ireland. iPhone 5
  • iPhone 5

  • cyberone
    Nov 22, 11:20 PM

    I went through 8 - eight - treo 650, because the hardware quality was so poor, not to mention the constant resets.

    now, imagine, i have a phone without a reset button. no, its not a palm device.

    and i bet the iphone wont have a reset button.

    your phones were decent - compared to the competition - three years ago with the announcement of the 650.

    others have long overtaken you. and you have no answer.

    I bet you cant wait to see that iphone and realize what you've all missed.

    iphone 5 release date ireland. +5+generation+release+date
  • +5+generation+release+date

  • amanset
    Aug 2, 12:40 PM
    To be clear... that was for the standalone iSight camera not the embedded iSight camera's available in the iMac, MacBook, MacBook Pro, etc.

    Yeah I know, hence me thinking they might release a new iSight one of these days seeing as the old one can't be sold in Europe.

    iphone 5 release date ireland. Iphone+5+release+date+in+malaysia
  • Iphone+5+release+date+in+malaysia

  • Brometheus
    Apr 25, 09:26 AM
    I think Steve is outright lying about this.. I don't think most people aren't fond of this, including myself..

    My opinion is that he's probably not lying. He's parsing his words in his usual terse style. Steve is not denying the existence of a record of each user's location. He's denying the accusation that Apple uses this information to track individual users. He's implying that it's being used for some other purpose.

    iphone 5 release date ireland. Iphone+5+release+date+in+malaysia
  • Iphone+5+release+date+in+malaysia

  • Mechcozmo
    Nov 22, 01:34 AM
    blah blah blah Our hardware is incredibly expensive for what you can do with it blah blah blah Our software is older than XP blah blah blah blah Our new software is more delayed than Vista blah blah blah Our products kicked the Newton's arse a decade ago blah blah blah Apple can't beat the clear market leader blah blah blah

    I've been waiting for Palm OS 6 to come out for just about five years now. I'm not buying a new Palm... I'll just stick to my b0rked Tungsten|T. Programmed life expectancy, ha! But damn, that Soylent Green is tasty!

    iphone 5 release date ireland. iPhone 5 Release Date
  • iPhone 5 Release Date

  • cr2sh
    Nov 22, 12:58 PM
    Wouldn't it be something if Apple sold one of the first unlocked phones from the get-go.

    You walk into an Apple store, they have the iPhone in GSM form.. and you get a trade-in discount for your old phone.. the Apple reps pop-out your sim card, transfer your contacts.. and hand you an ipod like phone that has all your old info in it and works with your current plan.


    Aug 4, 07:38 PM
    Looking closer, I can immediately see how they squeeze it into both of these computers...the trackpad isn't in the center of the laptop. How freaking messed up is that? They slid it over the to the left so that the optical drive could fit. That would bug the heck out of me.

    And obviously the guy who decided to design it that way was a leftie...
    It would be OK, if you could choose what side ou put the track pad and CD drive on. It would be OK if it was off centre to the right, as I'm right handed, but moving my right hand to the left side would no doubt feel wierd and awkward.

    May 6, 04:27 AM
    Apple licensing Mac OS X to Dell.

    I'm off to start a new 'Dell in negotiations with Apple to license Mac OS X' rumor with a popular analyst. Story should be appearing on MR on Monday or Tuesday next week. Stay tuned.

    May 5, 11:31 AM
    BTW, searching a room disarms traps, so we should get to a point where our last move is search instead of move, if I understand the rules.


    May 2, 08:11 PM
    Don't you guys in the great white north buy milk in bundles of 4 1 liter bags anyway. :p


    No, we buy them in three 1 & 1/3 litre bags, to total 4 litres. :p

    the vj
    Apr 18, 03:13 PM
    So Ford and Sony and Boing will suit everyone for making products that looks and works like theirs? Just to give a wild example.

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