Saturday, May 21, 2011

selena gomez taylor swift demi lovato miley cyrus

selena gomez taylor swift demi lovato miley cyrus. Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus
  • Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus

  • Surely
    Jan 12, 05:37 PM
    I was replying to zioxide, who only talked about screen size.


    That's what SHE said.

    /That's the joke. <- please think of this sentence in Rainier Wolfcastle's voice. Thank you.

    selena gomez taylor swift demi lovato miley cyrus. miley cyrus, demi lovato,
  • miley cyrus, demi lovato,

  • kelving525
    Sep 10, 12:42 AM
    I'm so excited for Belkin Grip Vue since I love that case for my 3G. I will most likely end up getting that. However, all the other cases look fairly cool, too. Decision, decision! :)

    selena gomez taylor swift demi lovato miley cyrus. “BFFs Taylor Swift and Miley
  • “BFFs Taylor Swift and Miley

  • absurdio
    Oct 24, 05:46 AM
    I'd love to see a new design, but I'll be happy with:
    1. C2D 2.33GHz
    2. bigger HD, with easy-swap HD bay
    3. heat problems, "mooing," and random-shutdowns solved

    Anything else will be icing on the cake!



    Completely right. As everyone else has speculated, it seems likely that the big overhaul will be early next year. That said, if this revision has the upgrades you mentioned, I'll be elated. I'd much rather have a functional (i.e. not overheating, mooing, and whining) machine than a feature-crammed but functionally useless one. Stability, in this case, is probably more important than unworkable new features.

    selena gomez taylor swift demi lovato miley cyrus. Demi Lovato Taylor Swift
  • Demi Lovato Taylor Swift

  • LarryC
    Mar 24, 05:22 PM
    Mac Pro's have big power supplies but thats mainly for the CPU and Ram, adding a 6970 would be pushing its limits, especially for gaming.

    Couldn't they simply upgrade that as well? I can't imagine why they couldn't. I mean we are talking future Mac Pros.

    selena gomez taylor swift demi lovato miley cyrus. Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus
  • Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus

  • mozmac
    Jul 18, 02:40 PM
    I have mixed feelings about this. The only way I see this really becoming big is if Apple releases a Mac Mini media center. By so doing, Apple will catch a huge market of people who say, "What do you want to watch tonight?" How many times have you been in this situation. You've looked at all your movies, which you've seen at least three times each, and decide that you don't have anything you want to watch. Would if, from your remote, you had a whole movie store IN YOUR HOME? That's right. Who needs to go to Blockbuster or wait for NetFlix. Just point, click, and...hello, movie. You get to keep it for a few days.

    This will only work, though, if it is that easy. If people have to figure out their own way to get it to the TV, they will simply go get the DVD from Blockbuster, because the player is already hooked up to the TV. If Apple wants to make it in the movie business, they need to build something that is meant to hook up to the TV right OUT OF THE BOX.

    I'm excited to see it!

    selena gomez taylor swift demi lovato miley cyrus. selenagomez demi lovato
  • selenagomez demi lovato

  • blueflame
    Jul 18, 02:05 AM
    This is stupid, I want to qon my movies and be able to burtn them to disc, i still want this ability currently, I should be able to burn the movies I buy, and when will the companies learn this will amke pwople buy more, they will buy one for their ipodf and one for themselves

    selena gomez taylor swift demi lovato miley cyrus. miley cyrus and selena gomez
  • miley cyrus and selena gomez

  • Link2999
    Sep 24, 01:47 PM
    Something I noticed about my Grip Vue today. The back seems to be collecting quite a bit of germs (dirt, etc.). For those of you who use a Mighty Mouse, think about how that collects dirt, but on a case.

    selena gomez taylor swift demi lovato miley cyrus. taylor Gomez,demi lovato
  • taylor Gomez,demi lovato

  • caspersoong
    Apr 20, 03:38 AM
    Hope Apple surprises us... And not just a Sandy Bridge upgrade alongside Thunderbolt.

    selena gomez taylor swift demi lovato miley cyrus. Taylor Swift. Miley Cyrus
  • Taylor Swift. Miley Cyrus

  • Multimedia
    Sep 1, 01:38 PM
    LOL If only it were that easy.

    I bought the MBP because suspiciously my PB G4 decided to die on me right around that time and I, of course, rationalized and used it as an excuse with myaself... and now I kick myself in the butt for it too because 1 week after I bought my MBP, Apple released the 17" MBP for the same price I paid for my 15".**kick*Well, you could have returned it for a 10% restocking fee up to 10 days after purchase and bought the 17" then. Did you not know that? :confused:

    selena gomez taylor swift demi lovato miley cyrus. selena gomez and demi lovato
  • selena gomez and demi lovato

  • cube
    Mar 25, 03:01 PM
    That's not the correct answer? Lol, how much longer are you going to waste my time for? DirectX in it of itself is not related to OpenCL. They are once again, two separate entities. Support for OpenCL 1.0 means support for OpenCL 1.1. DirectCompute was introduced in DX11 but can be used on DX10 hardware.

    I've been sitting here correcting your mis-information, false accusations and asking for you to post some OpenCL applications you've been using. Don't respond until you give me an example of your OpenCL workflow. You seem to love AMD's CPU's but likely have never used one seeing as you have said Windows doesn't cut it and Linux "doesn't have enough commercial applications".

    You fail to understand the difference between "API" and "API-class" hardware.

    selena gomez taylor swift demi lovato miley cyrus. Gomez,demi lovato,miley cyrus
  • Gomez,demi lovato,miley cyrus

  • bedifferent
    May 3, 11:37 AM
    I'm not so sure that is true. I was teaching an elderly person how to drag and drop a file into a folder and the whole drag and drop concept did not seem all that easy to her�.

    I once had a client I set up a Windows box for years ago call me frantically in the middle of the night because she couldn't find the "any" key to continue...

    selena gomez taylor swift demi lovato miley cyrus. Miley Cyrus; Selena Gomez
  • Miley Cyrus; Selena Gomez

  • Postal
    Jan 12, 12:07 PM
    are you kidding me?

    Macbook Air?


    There's no way Apple would ever call something that.

    You've pretty much guaranteed that MacBook air is the name.

    Any time someone says "there's no way Apple would ever call it <insert widely rumored name here>," Apple promptly named it as such.

    It goes by a variant on the same rule which guarantees anything suggested by MOSR will never come true.

    selena gomez taylor swift demi lovato miley cyrus. Selena Gomez and Demi
  • Selena Gomez and Demi

  • PlipPlop
    Mar 27, 10:53 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    Tell that to the hundreds (at times over a thousand) reviewers who are raving about it.

    Yeah, "terrible" my ass.

    Doubters need to wrap their head around this new concept. They can start accepting this new paradigm for the standard setting phenomenon it is (and I don't mean the 3DS, LOL), or get left behind.

    Touch controls for games built for buttons dont work. First review for Street fighter 4 iphone I see this.

    Speaking of controls, I�m sure many of you, like I, were wondering how it would be to perform special moves with touch screen controls. I have to admit it does pose a bit of a challenge to even seasoned fighting game veterans, but Capcom included an option that allows you to perform special moves with a simple press of a button.

    Buttons will always be better for fighting games and fps games.

    selena gomez taylor swift demi lovato miley cyrus. selena gomez taylor swift demi
  • selena gomez taylor swift demi

  • daneoni
    Aug 29, 09:26 AM
    Very predictable. Just release the darn thing already!

    selena gomez taylor swift demi lovato miley cyrus. miley cyrus and selena gomez
  • miley cyrus and selena gomez

  • Yebubbleman
    Apr 19, 01:40 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    One step closer to a MBA refresh.

    Seriously?! How long have you been waiting? Since last refresh?

    Please...Please...Please...provide a pro graphics card option (FirePro or Quadro)

    Keep dreaming. They couldn't even get a Radeon HD 5770, let alone a 5850. The best that could be done was a 5750 in the 27", and while it's not a terrible GPU, it's certainly nowhere near pro-level.

    Not expecting a huge update here other than Sandy Bridge, Thunderbolt, and 6XXX series AMD graphics.

    Lulz to that. It's not like those things weren't key to the Early 2011 MacBook Pros being as critically acclaimed as they are now.

    Does this mean a Mini update is right behind it?

    No. While Mac mini updates could be right around the corner, the two are on different release timelines and aren't always released at the same time. Essentially, it's irrelevant.

    6950 6950 6950 6950 6950 6950 6950 6950 6950!

    For heavens sake give it a nice GPU!!!!!!!!:eek:

    If the 5750 was the best that we got on the highest end model of current, then I'd be shocked if we got anything past 6770. We're definitely not getting cards that use up as much power as the iMac itself or require a second six-pin connector in the Desktop PCIe equivalent.

    So, is this the fast iMac refresh in years?

    Since July 2010; not even a full year really.

    You misunderstood me friend...I meant an HD 6950 2GB (Desktop Card)

    Yes, its a pipe dream...but cant a man dream:rolleyes:

    Sure, but that doesn't mean it'll ever happen.

    Ah yes, well a desktop card would be nice. And the 27" does have the room when compared to the 21". They could engineer it in there if they wanted to.

    But yes, I share your dream.

    How many of those machines have you seen naked? As in, without the glass or panel with bare innards in full view? My guess is not very many. They don't have the room to engineer a better video card in the 27". It's almost a wonder they even have the room for something like the Radeon HD 5750 in what they have now. It's not like they took the design of the 21.5", gave it a larger chasis and screen and suddenly had more room to play with. Even so, as it stands, both sizes of iMac get extraordinarily hot. Sure, the 5750 in the Mid-2010 27" model draws less heat than the 4850 in the Late-2009 27" model, but that difference is negligible and even with a 6 series GPU's improvement, I doubt the difference will be substantial enough to warrant THAT much more power relative to the 6 series' lineup.

    So, no, they couldn't engineer THAT much better of a card if they wanted. Not without making the iMac thicker than it already is. But it's Apple, they never do.

    selena gomez taylor swift demi lovato miley cyrus. taylor swift. selena gomez
  • taylor swift. selena gomez

  • yg17
    Apr 10, 12:19 AM
    Yes I can drive one. I also think that if you can't drive one, you shouldn't be allowed to drive period. Automatics are just things to get you from point A to B, whereas a standard transmission car is something you use for fun, with getting from point A to B just being a side effect.


    I definitely think driving a manual makes me a safer, more attentive driver.

    I'm against crap that makes people lazy like adaptive cruise control, auto headlights and auto wipers and stuff like that, I suppose an automatic can fall in there too. That stuff makes drivers lazy and inattentive because they don't have to concentrate on the road.

    selena gomez taylor swift demi lovato miley cyrus. Miley Cyrus middot; Demi Lovato
  • Miley Cyrus middot; Demi Lovato

  • hayesk
    Apr 12, 10:09 PM
    Supposedly the guy behind this new version is also the criminal that destroyed iMovie a few years back. God I hope FC8 isn't ANYTHING like iMovie. Old editors are too set in our ways to switch over to a iMovie/Sony Vegas style of editing. I need a preview window, and a Timeline Window. Just like when I edited on tape.

    When you get to a point when you refuse change just because it's change, it's probably time to retire.

    selena gomez taylor swift demi lovato miley cyrus. Demitaylor swift, demi lovato
  • Demitaylor swift, demi lovato

  • daneoni
    Jan 4, 05:02 AM
    Im not really holdng my breath.

    Sales and figures

    Leopard pitch

    iPod updates (excluding Nano)

    iLife/iWork updates (Lasso?)

    Mac Pro updates

    Display updates

    I think thats it. Then further down the line...say April/May/June, we'll get iTV, iPhone, MBP/MB updates etc. I feel a Leopard release coming on at WWDC. iPod refreshes and more iTunes content in october and then Merry Christmas to all.

    selena gomez taylor swift demi lovato miley cyrus. Gomez on whether or not she
  • Gomez on whether or not she

  • VanNess
    Jul 19, 11:43 PM
    Slashdot posted an article today ( that announces the studios have struck a deal with an outfit called CinemaNow (never heard of them) in which the studios have finally agreed to allow users to burn a downloaded movie to a blank DVD. Here's what it says about Apple:

    The announcement also previews a likely agreement between the major studios and Apple Computer, which is expected to expand the offerings on its popular iTunes online store to include big-studio movies.

    But the article doesn't mention the 800lbs gorilla in the sidelines, namely, connection/download time. Almost every article about the studio's entry into the movie download business flatly ignores this issue, but, imo, it's a real world showstopper (pun intended). Hanging around waiting endlessly while literally gigs of data trickle down your internet pipe isn't going to be anyone's cup of tea.

    Instead of jumping the gun, someone needs to think a little harder about all of this in order to make it work in such as way that it's irresistible to the average consumer/movie buff, like iTunes is for music fans now. Hopefully, that someone is Apple.

    Nov 25, 12:31 AM

    Props if anyone knows who used that bag.

    No clue but could you please tell me where to purchase it? Its exactly what Im looking for!

    Jan 12, 05:11 PM
    I just want them to get the thickness and weight down.

    dr Dunkel
    Apr 20, 02:04 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; sv-se) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    It would have made sense if Apple would have built computers in the segment where the demand is for something more modular than the iMac but less OTT than the MP. As long as Apple is sticking both with that model and its head in the sand, it will seem strange...

    Nov 28, 02:32 PM
    As far as # of units sold:
    XBox sold 27 million units
    Xbox 360 has sold 7 million so far, and Microsoft expects to sell a total of 10 million by year end.
    Sony has sold 200,000 units in the US, and won't hit 400,000 at year end.
    Wii has sold 400,000 units, and will hit an estimated 4 million by year end.

    Console sales (

    Go Wii!

    May 3, 03:38 AM
    This concept might seem alien to a lot of MacRumours users, but being a 'switcher', the method of deleting any app on OS X currently seems very ad hoc. I've been a mac user now for about 4 years and yet the idea of having to delete an app by dragging it to the trash seems very... strange. You never know if you've deleted ALL of that program.

    Since trying Mac the past 12 months, the biggest problem I have is that the "drag to trash" is inconsistent, just like the install process!

    Half the apps require me to drag to Applications (and drag to trash to uninstall), the other half require me to run the installer, and find the custom uninstaller to remove them.

    This is hard to explain to my mother (though thankfully she seldom really needs to install / uninstall apps).

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